Camila Perisse is hospitalized in critical condition: “She is receiving breathing assistance”

Camila Perisse was rushed to the hospital in critical condition over the past few hours. “He has been diagnosed with advanced pneumonia and is receiving artificial respiration,” Miter Live reporter Juan Etchegoyen reported.

“Her husband asked me to make it clear, otherwise I wouldn’t say anything. Things got worse. She told me she started to have a fever and they transferred her to a Spanish hospital. The outlook was bleak,” she added.

Subsequently, the artist’s lawyer Matias Gasset Suárez contacted the reporter and elaborated: “As you mentioned, Camila is in hospital and this is indeed a very difficult moment. Due to the infection while undergoing treatment She contracted pneumonia and her condition became very complicated. Currently, he is receiving respiratory assistance and his condition is indeed advanced. He only has a few hours to live.”

He added: “The situation is very sad. We are talking about a person who is also facing serious financial problems. She receives the minimum pension, which is 110,000 pesos, and, as a showbiz figure, she is spending her last days alone moment.” and her husband.”

The former star, an ’80s sex symbol, was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and cognitive impairment in 2018. However, her partner Julio “Chino” Fernández later insisted the diagnosis was incorrect and that she was not receiving good medication. Even people around them pointed out the “bad practice”.

The fact is that in May 2021, the translator was admitted to a psychiatric clinic in Mar del Plata and had to be transferred to the city’s Bernardo Houssay hospital after his general health deteriorated.

As if that wasn’t enough, the following month Camilla contracted Covid-19 while in hospital, although luckily she was able to overcome the virus. “Camila beat COVID-19, but unfortunately she has nothing to do. So I’m going to travel to Mar del Plata,” Julio told Miter Live at the time.

As if that wasn’t enough, in May 2022, a photo of the actress was revealed that left more than one person with their mouths hanging open. It was Juan Etchegoyen who came across her photographs while the artist was in hospital. “It was published with the consent of the family,” the reporter explained. “Logically, when I received the photo, I asked her husband Julio and he told me that I could show it so that they could Realize the seriousness of the situation,” she said of the incident on Miter Live.

He added: “Camila Perisse has been fighting this for years, but now she seems to be at a decisive moment. Please help Camila survive, this is an urgent request, her family is desperate.”

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