‘Cannibal Holocaust’ trailer for Deodato returns to theaters August 21 • Asbury Movies

Ruggiero Deodato’s ‘cursed’ film ‘Cannibal Holocaust’ will return to theaters in a restored 4K version from August 21st. The giveaway released the official trailer the other day.

Cursed film, heavily censored, sensationalized, criticized for its extreme and uncompromising brutality. Cannibal HolocaustAll this is Ruggero Deodato’s most famous film, but it is also the most important cannibal film that became all the rage in Italy in the 1970s. It is the film of Deodato – the most representative of the Italian genre cinema, who died on December 29 – will return to cinemas in a new version, restored in 4K format, on August 21.

Shot in 1979 Cannibal Holocaust tells the story of four young reporters known for their extreme services who inexplicably disappeared into the Amazon rainforest while filming a documentary about local cannibal tribes. When a rescue team led by a university professor is tasked with scouring the jungle looking for the missing, they immediately uncover gruesome finds that make them fear the worst; but when footage taken by these four is discovered, an even more horrific truth is revealed.

Deodato’s film, divided into the first part, which takes place in the present, and the second, showing footage taken by the four main characters, was censored in 23 countries at the time of release, and in others (primarily Japan) was an immediate success . In Italy, it was heavily cut, and a lawsuit was subsequently filed against the director, screenwriter, and producers; this led to condemnation, a recall of the film, and Deodato’s need to prove that the four main actors were alive, and the film’s shocking imagery was reconstructed.

Cannibal Holocaustreturned to theaters in 1984 uncensored, but suffered from bad publicity, received poor revenues, and retained its reputation as a damned film in later years; this was also due to some scenes of animal abuse involving young Luca Barbareschi in particular, which turned out to be real. Then the director defended himself, claiming that these scenes were filmed in a documentary spirit.

Subsequently, Ruggiero Deodato’s film nonetheless became a cult classic, a forerunner of the horror found footage trend that would come back into fashion twenty years later with the following films: Blair Witch Project. Subsequently, the film received recognition from directors such as Oliver Stone, Eli Roth and Nicolas Winding Refn.“I stole everything possible from this film, both technically and visually”the director said Copenhagen Cowboys).

Cannibal Holocaust will return to the cinema August 21, from the distribution of Cat People, in the new version restored in 4K, without cutouts. The film was again declared unsuitable for viewing by minors under 18 years of age. “violence, sex, use of weapons, alcohol and drugs, obscene language and hate speech”. Below we show you the official trailer for the Deodato movie that the Italian rental house has released in the last few hours.

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Journalist and film critic. I am or have collaborated with various online and print publications including (in chronological order) L’Acchiappafilm, Movieplayer.it and Quinlan.it. Since 2018, I have been a consultant for the Stelle Diverse and Aspie Saturday Film psychoeducational reviews organized by the CuoreMenteLab center in Rome. In 2019, I founded the website Asbury Movies, of which I am the Editor and Managing Director.

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