Capri sandals: what does Emperor Tiberius, Diana Vreeland and Jackie Kennedy have to do with it?

Capri sandals have an extraordinary history, from ancient Rome to the Hollywood elite thanks to a detail seen in the mosaic.

on CapriEmperor Tiberius, the second of the Roman Empire, built twelve villas in order to be able to choose the one in which to live as close as possible to an act of joy and ease. It was at Villa Jovis that he spent time surrounded by scientists, lawyers, writers and astrologers. He moved to the island of Campania in 27 AD, to stay there (almost) until the end of his days, in 37 AD. – he died in Miseno, Bacoli faction. Legend has it that when he landed on the island, he was wearing a pair of hard-soled sandals, and from that moment on, all the inhabitants began to use them to move comfortably along the cobbled streets. Almost two thousand years later, we saw them on Brigitte Bardot, née Contempt Jean-Luc Godard – on set, she enjoyed riding the carousel in a plaid sundress, blue T-shirt, white hat and gold Capri sandals – but also on Sophia Lorenportable with a wicker bag, and on Ingrid Bergmanon the streets of Rome in a little black dress or in Capri with her daughter Pia Lindström… But how did they become a constant of Mediterranean aesthetics again?

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Guilty, so to speak Diana Vreeland. It was in the 1940s when he noticed a particularly interesting detail on a mosaic in Pompeii. It didn’t take long for the then director of American Vogue to discover that they were still made in Capri, as they once were, and made these flat sandals an iconic element of his style. Rigid soles, flip flops, with or without ankle strap, semi-exposed foot, strictly in leather and handmade, a symbol of excellence (and charm) “Made in Italy”.

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Capri sandals were a must-have souvenir for Jackie Kennedy which, while vacationing on the island in the 1970s, made them coveted by Hollywood elites, as well as becoming a hallmark of their sophisticated taste. He bought it from Camphorshop with a view Grand Hotel Kisisana since 1946, but the purchase has evolved over the years into an experience of sorts for tourists and enthusiasts. In such boutiques From Costanzo, but not only that, shoes are created together with the master who chooses every detail. A little like he does too Kim Kardashian a few years ago.

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