Carlos Soto will bring health benefits to Zamorans

Zamora, Michigan, November 14, 2023. – Since President Carlos Soto Delgado is interested in bringing important benefits to the people of Zamora, allowing them to have better living conditions, mainly in terms of health, the local government will implement the “Breath is Life” spirometry The event will be held on November 21st and 22nd completely free of charge.

According to reports, the event will be held in the main square at 9:00 in the morning, with the purpose of providing citizens with a study on the amount and rhythm of indoor air movement. lungs, as well as detecting obstructive and restrictive respiratory processes such as asthma or cystic fibrosis.

Public Health Director Jaime Ramírez Oregel reported that the spirometry event will offer 150 free studies during the two-day event, especially for people over 15 years old, aimed at diagnosing COPD, emphysema, bronchitis and other issues related to COVID-19 Chronic or sequelae.

He said that good government, working together with Leomont Laboratories, would be able to provide important benefits to citizens, as the results of the spirometry would be available immediately and appropriate medical assessment would be given, so if anything abnormal occurs, they would know the treatment method can be followed.

Ramírez Oregel added that people who have a daily cough with or without phlegm, those who suffer from frequent respiratory diseases, asthma, long-term smokers and people who have difficulty breathing should take advantage of the opportunity to undergo this study.

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