“Cases of gastroenteritis are many”

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Majadahonda’s neighbor, Myriam Torrico, a French teacher and a resident of El Carralero, said she suffered from “vomiting, diarrhea, headaches and body aches, exhaustion, dizzy…” and went to the Puerta de Hierro Hospital in Majadahonda. He drank water from the tap and they told him that many cases of gastroenteritis were coming.In addition, the Isabel II Canal did not inform the hospital about the abnormality caused by algae in the Valmayor reservoir

M. Ramos/S. Canceled. Majadahonda’s neighbor and French teacher, Miriam Toricolive in Caraleirowent Puerta de Hierro Hospital in Majadahonda This Saturday, August 26th (2023) due to the effects of drinking tap water: “vomiting, diarrhea, headache and body aches, fatigue, dizziness…”.Although queen elizabeth ii channel continue It is recommended to drink tap water5 days after ingestion Miriam Torico He continued to experience gastrointestinal distress.And it’s not unique, the same thing happens in His 29-year-old son and other users in West Madrid who has confessed headache and stomach pain. Miriam Torico In this interview the following questions were answered MJD Magazine And revealed what he found when he arrived at the Puerta de Hierro Hospital in Majadahonda and what the doctors told him: ask. Who told you there were more cases?. mt: in the hospital, in triage (emergency), when I went in, I told them: “Let’s see if that’s the case, I just read an hour ago, the water sucks!”.They said, “Come on! Well, we’ve seen a lot of cases and we think it’s acute gastroenteritis«.It seems fatal to me that they don’t get the notification, since that’s the first thing they do, the notification Hospital. Q: Maybe in the event of a larger emergency, what happens…. mt: – I’m going to call the doorman in case there are more cases (during urbanization) you think the typical thing is the holidays…but as far as I’m concerned the smell is very important. I went to scrub the bathroom when I said to myself, “What is this, what does this smell like?” Miriam Torico’s interview begins like this:

Manu Ramos and Silvia Anura

MJD Magazine: What happened to you at the Puerta de Hierro Hospital in Majadahonda? Miriam Torico: – After waiting for 3 hours, I felt that there were not so many people, I went in and said I fell down, it’s okay, 3 hours! …that’s why I get out of there, I go to sleep, I take an oral serum and wait and see Q: When did that happen? mt: – I started getting sick on Friday night 8/25 (2023) and still not feeling well. I do take antibiotics for another thing, but hey it makes me feel dusty and they have the same symptoms as my son. Of course, I had a bad time. ask: When did you go to the hospital?. mt: – I went to the hospital on Saturday afternoon. Q: Did they tell you if more people out there were affected? mt: Yes, they told me when I arrived. I just heard from a friend that there is a problem with the water. At the hospital they told me they were not told there were many cases of gastroenteritis problems. They were not informed (canal Isabel II or town hall) which is the worst in my opinion.

Q: Would you say that your son was also affected? mt:Yeah, exactly like me, people say it smells like musty, but it reminds me of the insecticide they put around anthills when I was a kid, exactly the same. You turn on the tap and there’s a stench that hits you, I don’t know if every house has the same smell. I was vomiting, diarrhea… I had a terrible headache and I think it must have touched my liver. The same is true for my son, he has a lot of headaches, the difference is that he is still young, and I am 61 years old, in good health and with a closed stomach. It moved me deeply. Q: How old is your son?. mt: 28 years. Q: So does it affect young people too?. mt: Yes, yes, yes…then I found out from another friend, but that was at pozuelo, he was also sick, but began to take serum orally from the beginning. But come on, I spit on the Aquarius who brought me.

Q: Well, thank you very much for your testimony, what we’re going to do in the newsroom is compile your case with other cases that are also very high profile. mt: Have you ever had similar symptoms?. P: Yes, especially stomach pains, although there are other people with headaches… Canal Isabel II’s statement says it’s nothing, that’s why they encourage people to drink tap water. mt: I had to buy bottled water and for a while I had nothing in my body and the bottled water made me throw up. In fact yesterday I was worried because I had a severe headache, typical of liver problems. My liver area is starting to hurt but other parts are starting to hurt too, I am so sick I have been bedridden for two days. This compounded my low back pain and I was sick, really sick and very dizzy. When I got to the hospital, I felt so much attention, I went there alone so as not to call an ambulance because I live nearby, but then I said to myself “I can’t get up, they made me wait In addition, there are 3 hours.”

Q: Very important…. mt: Do you know if they fixed something? Q: Canal Isabel II said in a statement that the problem will be fixed in the next few days and apologized for the inconvenience caused. However, the newspaper continues to receive complaints from emails, news forums and social networks. mt: Are many people affected? Q: We don’t know, Canal Isabel II’s statement was dissuasive, they said nothing happened, that’s why people keep drinking water and cases keep happening. Perhaps the first suggestion in this case should be the opposite, but the water control analysis has not been made public, they have only issued a statement. mt: This is for reporting and you can’t agree because my house smells musty. I literally recoil, it smells horrible. Even the water I put lemons in smells bad. But the normal thing to do is, until they fix the problem, drink bottled water. P: Out of caution, we think so. mt: I have to go to the gas station at night to buy water, where I warn them not to drink the water from the tap. The normal thing is that the Isabel II Strait issued a warning. P: You have warned, but in the opposite sense, they are saying you have to drink water. It seems like a great thing to do. mt: It’s amazing, it’s amazing… I don’t know if my back pain is caused by the water bag I bought. In fact, my son went to Avila with the same symptoms as me, it seemed that he even had a fever. He has some kind of infection or something, he’s just like me, but his head still hurts. Q: Thank you so much Miriam for your testimony and for having the courtesy to report your case to public opinion, I wish you well. MT: Thank you and goodbye.

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