Catalonia, Spain reports one case of human infection with swine flu

The Health Alert and Emergency Coordination Center reports human case Swine influenza virus A(H1N1)v.

On January 10 this year, Catalan health authorities reported a case of swine flu infection in a 33-year-old man working on a pig farm in Catalonia. Lleidaas you know animal health.

Symptoms began on November 25, 2023, and nasal and oropharyngeal secretion samples were collected on December 12, and the results showed Tested positive for influenza Abut cannot be subtyped.

Samples are sent to Catalonia Regional Reference Laboratory he calls himself Swine influenza virus type A(AH1N1)v.

In this sense, no secondary cases were detected among close household contacts or close contacts. 9 farm workers studied. In addition, it is reported that the case is currently progressing smoothly.

Anyway, samples were sent to confirm The isolated virus will be reported to the National Institute of Microbiology, and the isolated virus will be shared with the World Health Organization Collaborating Center.

Swine flu: Risk of human cases low

Swine influenza is caused by influenza A viruses, subtypes: A(H1N1), A(H1N2) and A(H3N2).Most human cases are due to exposure Infected pigs or contaminated environment.

As the virus continues to be found in pig herds around the world, More human cases expected After direct or indirect contact with infected pigs.

Current evidence suggests the virus has not yet acquired the ability to sustain person-to-person transmission. Although community transmission has not yet been established, there is limited, non-sustained human-to-human transmission of influenza virus variants.

Although the risk of detecting additional human cases associated with this event is low The possibility of limited human-to-human transmission cannot be ruled out.

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