Catia Colliniz: Huancaina makes medical history with Spanish pneumonia research

Catia Colliniz is a native of Huanca and works as a doctor in Spain. Her research and contributions to science have made her one of the top doctors and one of the world’s pioneers in understanding and improving the clinical management of disease.

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Her fascination with science led her to study medicine at the National University of San Luis Gonzaga in Ica, where she immersed herself in the study of biology, and then she studied abroad to earn her PhD at the University of Barcelona, ​​Spain. .

Catia decided to dedicate her career to the development of clinical guidelines for the treatment of pneumonia in Spain. His most notable contribution to date has been to the study of etiology and epidemiology, exploring new diagnostic methods and thus changing the understanding of this disease.

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Catia Colliniz has been recognized by the European Respiratory Society for her excellence in research, education and clinical leadership when in 2012 she was awarded the Special Doctoral Award for the Academic Year at the University of Barcelona. This distinguished doctor’s life was filled with constant challenges and commitments.

She currently leads the global awareness campaign about pneumonia and has been an associate professor at the University of Barcelona since 2017. She has published more than 80 indexed scientific articles and is involved in various clinical trials. Peru has not given up its love for science, which makes Peru proud.

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