Causes, symptoms and treatments of the disease

Most of the pharyngitis They have an infectious agent, usually a virus, but can also be caused by bacteria, especially Streptococcus. This severe sore throat can also be caused by severe flu or mononucleosis.Next we will listCauses, symptoms and treatment of this disease.

Pharyngitis causes spontaneous sore throat when swallowing. It’s called odynophagia and also called an irritating cough. Viral pharyngitis usually occurs in the context of a cold, followed by a runny and stuffy nose.

Pharyngitis: its main symptoms.

They can also cause coughs, mainly viral coughs, which are responsible for most cases of pharyngitis. With some viruses, the disease can cause high fever, muscle aches throughout the body, swollen lymph nodes under the jaw, and plaque in the throat.

Strep Pharyngitis: What it looks like, symptoms and how it differs from acute pharyngitis

this”Pharyngitis” anyone”Pharyngitis“It’s caused by strep. They’re not the most common symptoms; viral symptoms are more common, and if you have a cold, a cough, a sneeze or a runny, stuffy nose, it’s probably not strep.”

most common symptoms Pharyngitis It is: sudden severe sore throat; pain when swallowing; fever above 38 degrees; swollen tonsils and lymph nodes; bright red throat with white or yellow spots on the back.

What does strep throat look like and what is acute?

If the fever is high, you should call your GP or go to the nearest hospital ward. Although neither serious nor urgent, high fever must always be controlled.

It may also cause headaches and abdominal pain. Less common symptoms are vomiting, loss of appetite, and body aches.

this Pharyngitis It can be transmitted from one person to another. When someone with pharyngitis breathes, coughs, or sneezes, they release small droplets containing strep bacteria.

Symptoms of strep throat include: sore throat, fever over 38 degrees, swollen tonsils and lymph nodes, etc.

Acute pharyngitis usually begins with a sore throat, headache, and fever. The pain may then extend into the ear and worsen when you move your neck.

There are signs of redness in the throat, the tonsils are often inflamed and may sometimes be covered in infected pus, and the lymph nodes in the neck are swollen and painful.

If babies are infected with the virus, they can have problems sleeping and eating, develop a lot of mucus, and snore at night. When they are older, around 7 or 8 years old, they are susceptible to acute otitis media. If you see these symptoms, you should call your pediatrician.

If pharyngitis worsens, it is recommended to see a doctor to avoid serious health problems.

What is the treatment for pharyngitis?

If your sore throat is caused by a bacterial infection, your doctor will usually prescribe a course of antibiotics. Among these drugs, amoxicillin is most commonly taken by mouth for 10 days. If you are allergic to this antibiotic, an alternative is usually prescribed.

Resting, drinking warm fluids, and rinsing your mouth are also important. It is always beneficial to relieve symptoms and avoid unfavorable environments (such as places with smokers) and factors that worsen the condition (such as cold). If you develop a high fever, be sure to see your doctor.

It’s also a good idea to have your throat checked by a specialist if your sore throat persists for several days.

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