Chamber of Commerce approves Congress to allocate R$ 200 million to fight bird flu

The Chamber of Commerce approved a provisional measure (MP) in the fourth quarter (27), freeing up resources to combat Avian Influenza, 270 votes in favor, 1 vote against, 1 abstention. MP provides a special credit of R$ 200 million to the Ministry of Agriculture (Mapa) in Orçamento de 2023, This is of great interest to agribusiness.

This was a government incident by the Front of Agriculture Parliament (FPA), which decided to defend the obstruction of parliamentary polls in protest against the Supreme Court (STF) ruling. During the plenary analysis (PL eo Novo), the opposition parties will block, but will not be able to prevent the approval of the project.

Resources will go toward unified agricultural health care system (SUASA) ensures prevention and Combat highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) affecting the country’s wild birds.

At the 4th edition of the Expo, the Government Leader of the Chamber of Commerce José Guimarães (PT-CE) presented the request to vote for MPs in the context of agribusiness during a leadership meeting with the President of the Chamber of Commerce Arthur Lira (PP-AL) . “We defeated an irresponsible opposition that showed no compromise with the state and agribusiness,” Guimarães declared after the vote.

The FPA joins the fourth rally of the PL, ao Novo and other parliamentary fronts in Congress to block this week’s plenary vote. At a press conference, Rural Party President Pedro Lupion (PP-PR) said that this action was the result of a series of decisions of the STF that, in its view, violated the competence of the Legislature, As time limits for indigenous land demarcation collapse.

Regarding the approved MPs, the ruralists claim that they received 200 million reais, but the government only promised 15 million reais.It intentionally frees up resources for the country and primarily or benefits ParanáLupion State is one of the federal units most affected by avian influenza.

Initial expectations were that the project would not come up for a vote in the House this week due to obstruction by conservative lawmakers.

Another factor influencing the guidelines is the recent statement by the President of the Republic regarding the negotiations to change the command of the Federal Economic Fund.

Lira recently acknowledged that his party must indicate or designate who will replace Rita Serrano as chef at the Public Bank, but the activist said he is unwilling to make the change now or that it angered Alagoa MPs and Party leaders. center.

offshore funds

The Chamber of Commerce will vote next week on a draft law that would tax two offshore funds where Brazilians park their resources in a financial paradise, according to the leader of the Labor Party.

He proposed being part of Finance Minister Fernando Haddad’s package to increase reserves and thereby reduce this year’s public account deficit. Lira and Haddad (the second-in-command in the PT) must meet in the country to discuss the economic agenda.

The proposal must also include tax changes for two exclusive estates – the two “super-rich”.

Zeca Dirceu (PR), the second leader of the Labor Party in the House of Representatives, will also vote this week on a draft guarantee framework that would make it easier to access credit. The text was passed in the House of Representatives but was revised in the Senate and therefore was sent to two representatives for analysis. Additionally, the security framework must be analyzed.

*Under the supervision of Enrique Almeida


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