Cher, there’s a Christmas album coming out soon, full of duets and autobiography.

New projects for Cher who, on the eve of his 80th birthday, is ready to offer the public not only a Christmas album, but also an autobiography.

The artist, who 25 years ago amazed even the youngest audience with the cult single Believe, gave an interview to the publication Good morning Britainalso talking about his long and illustrious career.

I’m really proud of this. This is Cher’s Christmas album, which will also feature numerous guests. I’ve never recorded a duet album! I’ve never been featured on any of my records! It was a last minute choice. I can’t name names, but they are all truly special artists.”

CherThen he talks about his age. The artist was born on May 20, 1946 and an important milestone is approaching.

I can’t believe I’ll ever be 80! The genes in my family are simply amazing. I don’t know if not feeling old makes us younger? I follow trends. I have many young friends. Even old friends. Honestly, I’m not trying to feel young or be young. I am who I am. Whatever that means. When I turn 80, I’ll still have jeans and long hair. I will continue to do what I have always done.”

Next stop for Cher… a long-awaited autobiography in which the artist will talk about his life and career.

I’ve lived too long! It is my problem. I’ve done too many things. Infusing the book with my life experiences was very difficult.”

Cher’s Christmas Album

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