Chicago The Musical, at the National Theater from 5 October

Following the huge success of the past two years with Pretty Woman and sister act The Musical, stage entertainment And Matthew Strong Happy to announce that there is new production for 2023 Chicago The Musical. debut on thursday 5 Octoberfirst time, al Chebanka National Theater,

Matteo Forte: Market research, ‘me too’ and time explain our choices -“we decided to build chicago Matteo Forte, CEO of Stage Entertainment and director of the Milanese National and Lyric Theatres, explains –for three reasons,Firstmore relevant, the result is as usual market research We perform on our clients twice a year before choosing what to bring to the stage Chicago had the highest score, second is related One of the underlying themes in the film and unfortunately recurring and very current and fully represented in the world of entertainment ‘me too’ movement, In other words, it is important for professional relationships in the entertainment sector to be transparent, clean, based on talent, merit and ability. third and last reason it’s timeThe show was last staged 19 years ago (with Luca Barbereschi in the 2004 edition), but, as confirmed by market research, the public wants to see it again.

Reinforce the familiar thanks to stars like Stefania Rocca and Chiara Nochez – “And then – says Forte – for stage entertainment, with a dutiful note describing the show’s choice of heroes as unusual. Unlike previous years, the result of the market research, placing Chicago in first place, was ‘public’ familiarity’ (i.e. demonstrated knowledge of the show’s ‘history’) is lower than in previous productions. In short, the public knows less about the film and what it tells, and this is a factor in choosing to buy tickets. fundamental element. One way to effectively deal with this aspect was reinforce familiarity through the gods familiar faces to the general publicof stars, The audience recognized them in image and beauty, on the one hand similar to the extraordinary cast of the film and on the other hand, similar to the current and innovative status we want to give to Chicago., So we effectively searched for potential candidates and the choice fell on our extraordinary director Claire Noshese He,In addition to directing the show, she will also play Mama Morton. come on Stephanie RoccaAn actress of undeniable talent and stunning stage presence who will be one of those Velma Beautiful, sexy, mysterious and determined. The choice of Stefania, who had already been approached for the show before COVID in 2019, was guided by various elements: the first is the role of Velma, which is strongly characterized by the actor’s dimension rather than singing or dancing. she is a strong and experienced actress Like herShe can also sing and dance to direct and produce A element of absolute guarantee, The second element, which, if possible, also consolidated and reinforced the first, and which was first touched upon by stage entertainment during the production of the show ‘La Madre di Eva’, co-produced with Stefania, is represented by passion and From professionalism With whom the actress and director work. Last, but not least, is the enthusiasm shown towards the project and the willingness to start a wider and more lasting cooperation with us.

Stefania Rocca: Music is a big challenge ,cinema, theatre, music.I’ve always loved trying my hand at it different styles – he adds Stephanie Rocca – He allow to an actress Interpreting the connection with the body and the desire to communicate with gaze and voice in a multifaceted way, Music is a test that brings all these elements together in an extreme and challenging way. so, also for love of challengesAt some moments in my artistic career I feel an almost physical need to try my hand at this type of representation that allows me to move from stage movement and dramatic acting to dancing and singing. In the past I acted in ‘Irma la Dolce’ directed by Jerome Savary and then ‘Love’s Labour’s Lost’ by Kenneth Branagh. and today I am happy to act in a musical film with a female director, With Chiara Noshese, who I have known and respect for many years, we met before COVID for Chicago and her idea impressed me a lot. Then everything got suspended due to Covid, but this suspension really inspired me to participate in music. So, when the production contacted me to confirm I was ready for the show for the next season, I took singing and dance lessons to be able to give the best possible audition, which obviously went well”!

“Also – continues Stefania Rocca – it is produced by Stage Entertainment, a serious and well-structured company with whom I recently co-produced ‘La Madre de Eva’. There History And drug addiction: Why talks about solidarity between women and women, Asserting female role and centrality in a society designed by men according to their measurements, Heroes join in, driven by a desire to assert their rights, not passively endure blackmail and abuse. it is a message that In a surreal and sometimes impossible way, as is typical of music, gives courage To all the women out there who often don’t have the strength to react, take back their lives and make their dreams come true. Topics related to gender and inclusion are particularly close to me. And this was another strong incentive to work on this project”.

the women’s show is a good message – “I am also interested in the aspect related to the desire to be seen, which is dominant in today’s society, especially in the social sphere. To appear, even for a moment, as if it were necessary to feel that you exist. It is such a distinctive feature of the narcissism of our time that it is interesting to touch upon it in the manner which I have already defined as surrealistic for music. I’ll end with – Stefania Rocca saying that a show by women with a female director is always a good message for an industry that is still very far from gender equality! Thanks to Chiara and Matteo for making this possible. See you at the National Theater on 5 October for the premiere,

written by John Kander (music) author of the Three Excellence, Fred Ebb (lyrics and libretto) And Bob Fosse (libretto, direction and choreography), one of the great classics of the Chicago musical. It is a show whose international fame has increased dramatically worldwide since the film’s release in 2002.Winner of 6 Academy Awards, director Rob Marshallwritten by bill condon and based and interpreted by renee zellweger, Catherine Zeta Jones, Richard Gere And John C. Reel,

thank you for a wonderful mix lots of jazz, Amazing songs and amazing choreography, Chicago is not only considered One of Broadway’s most famous musicals, but also one of the most famous and longest running,

After Broadway debut in 1996over 25 years it’s been Performed in 36 countries and was awarded 6 Tony Awards for ‘Best Direction’, ‘Best Choreography’ and ‘Best Revival of a Musical’., 2 Olivier Awards, a Grammy and thousands of standing ovations.

The background is the roaring metropolis of Illinois, a universe filled with stories, intrigue, a thirst for success, and the manipulation of public opinion by the media.


follows the story of the plot roxy hart, a nightclub singer who murders her lover when she learns he is about to leave her. After being convicted of his murder, she ends up in prison and plots to break out of prison by any means necessary.

Jailed during the Prohibition era, Roxy meets her idol VelmaAlso a killer and a jazz singer.

both get along with the shrewd lawyer Billy Flynn And they plan to reclaim their freedom and fame in underground Chicago.

The unforgettable songs will transport viewers to 1920s Chicago. There will be moments of condemnation of the murky role of the media and the devaluation of justice, mocked as if it were a circus where even violence becomes entertainment.

director’s notes

“Chicago fits perfectly into an era like the present: an era in which being a coincidence and ending up on the front page of newspapers or going viral on the web seem to be a primary requirement…

I imagine it to be an explosion of violent, colourful, strong-coloured events, in a world that is like a circus, an exorbitant and outrageous circus, devoid of morals and full of intrigue, where infamy and more Extreme crime explodes…

A grand Guignol mirror of our times.”

Claire Noshese

the cast

Role first name

Velma Kelly Stefania Rocca

Roxy Hart Giulia Soul

Billy Flynn Brian Boccuni

amos hart christian ruiz

Mama Morton Chiara Noshese

Mary Sunshine Luca Giacomelli Ferrarini


federica basso

camila esposito

anna foria

lorisa mulishi

Sardinian victory

caroline sisto

camilla tappe

Peter Mattarelli

John Abraciavento

Mattia Fazioli

alphonso maria mottola

kevin pacey

Andrew Spata

rafael rudiloso


Veronica Barchielli

Hillary Castagnola

chicago the musical

from 5 October 2023

Show Time:

Tuesday to Saturday at 20.45

Saturday and Sunday at 15.30

Ticket Prices: Tue, Wed, Thu, 8.45 pm

Saturday at 3.30 pm

Fri, Sat, 8:45 PM

sun at 3.30 pm

very vip chair €61.00 €69.00
very comfortable chair €56.00 €65.00
arm chair €49.00 €57.00
Gallery €37.00 €49.00
reduced visibility €33.00 €38.00

Online Ticket Purchase: ,

National Theater Ticket Office Chebanka!

Via Giordano Rota 1 – 20149 Milan

Open Tuesday to Sunday from 14.00 to 19.00

For information: and WhatsApp at 344.199.66.21


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