Children die from scarlet fever – Grupo R Multimedio

The Ministry of Public Health (MSP) said in a statement yesterday that three cases of strep, a bacteria that can cause mild infections such as pharyngitis or scarlet fever, have been detected. In the aforementioned outbreak, three cases were reported and confirmed, including the death of a 5-year-old child. Two other reported notifications corresponded, one to a scarlet fever case and the other to a respiratory illness (pneumonia); both were hospitalized at home and making good progress.

The MSP was informed of the outbreak through the Department of Health Supervision and appropriate measures were taken. The Education Center has been contacted with appropriate prevention advice and the situation is being actively monitored.

These infections are spread through respiratory droplets or through direct contact with an infected person who talks, coughs, sneezes, or touches an infected surface (and then puts their hands in their mouth) or by sharing glasses, plates, toys, or other utensils ) to spread bacteria. It usually takes 2 to 5 days for someone exposed to Group A strep to develop pharyngitis or scarlet fever.

The MSP said, “Children with respiratory symptoms, including sore throat, should not attend educational or sports centers or social gatherings. Children with strep throat or scarlet fever must be symptom-free for more than 24 hours and receive antibiotics for more than 24 hours to resume activities.”

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