CHOP invites people ages 65 to 79 to get high-burden flu vaccine

The Pontevedra Health District will invite people ages 65 to 79 to participate in a study of a high-burden flu vaccine that has been used in people over 80 and has been shown to be more effective in those over 80 . Valid.. The question now is whether the same is true for other age groups.

This was confirmed yesterday by Susana Romero Yuste, Director of Medical Care of the Health District, at an organ donation and transplantation event held at the Provincial Hospital. “It’s not just about research, it’s about understanding how a vaccine or drug performs in real life. In this case, they are vaccines backed by rigorous research programs, with their relevance and patient safety assessed by research ethics committees, ” he concluded.

He added: “These studies are always voluntary, but that does not mean that those who do not participate in the study will not receive dual vaccinations, including the COVID-19 vaccine and the flu vaccine.”

In this way, health authorities will explain to patients what the study is about and offer them the possibility to collect data for global analysis. “Patients are free to participate or not and are free to donate their data,” Yost said. “I want to make it clear that all patients will be vaccinated against influenza and COVID-19.”

Regardless, the doctor emphasized, “Vaccines have allowed us to reach social life expectancy, and we must be very grateful.”

There are different types of flu shots and they will be used during flu vaccination campaigns this season Two different medications: one high-dose (Efluelda®) and one standard-dose (Influvac Tetra®). They differ in the amount of antigen they contain, compounds that produce protection in the body.

Sanidade recalled that influenza is a viral respiratory infection that occurs globally every year. Older adults or people who are particularly vulnerable, such as those who are immunocompromised, are at greater risk of hospitalization and complications.

In the health zone of Pontevedra, there have been many cases of respiratory illnesses rather than influenza, although the peak of the disease is expected to be earlier this year, so public health authorities are already working to protect as many people as possible through vaccines patient. The work has started with people over 80 years old in health centers who can receive coronavirus and influenza vaccinations if they wish. Starting from October 26, seniors aged 70 to 79 will be called to “vaccination centers”, thus reducing the age range. According to Sergas, all of these people will receive dual vaccinations, but also this high-load vaccine.

Kidneys, the most needed organ

The kidney remains by far the most “in-demand” organ at the healthcare level. The explanation is simple, because people who need a kidney can continue to live on dialysis for many years while waiting for a transplant. Therefore, the waiting lists are often the longest. Celso García Estévez, president of the Organ Donor Association, said: “Unfortunately, in other cases, without organs, life expectancy is significantly reduced and a person may die within a year. Death, for example, when we talk about the heart.” Vigo recipient (Adrovi) stressed the importance of raising awareness in this area, as donations can save lives. That is why, among other initiatives, the group organizes an annual poster competition for schoolchildren and holds traveling exhibitions throughout Galicia to showcase their work. “It’s important to always start with the youngest people so they are aware and then raise awareness among older people because a lot of times these issues are discussed at home,” he said.

donation card

The Pontevedra and Vigo health districts are among the districts with the highest number of donor cards “by far.” “In total, there are more than 83,000 donation cards in Galicia,” emphasizes García Estévez. In order to obtain a donation card, Adrovi offers all facilities: through the information sheets on the street, in the hospital, by calling the Ados office (Axencia de Doazón de Órganos e Sangue de Galicia)… We must remember. Having said that, even if a deceased patient wishes to donate all his organs, it is up to the family, so it is important to transplant the organs to him while he is still alive.

Poster to engage young people in donating

This week you can visit the traveling exhibition of the V-card competition for schoolchildren related to Doazón and transplantation at the main entrance of the Pontevedra Provincial Hospital. The exhibition was inaugurated yesterday by Susana Romero Yuste, Director of Health Care of the Health District of Pontevedra and Osalnes, and the Association of Organ Donors and Recipients of Vigo (Adrovi) President Celso García Estévez was present. Every year hundreds of Galician students at primary education and compulsory secondary education (ESO) levels participate in this initiative. During the event, honorary gifts were given to Ainara Solla González and Daniel Acuña Acuña, students from the Sagrado Corazón de Jesús School in Pontevedra, who won the first prize in the first round of the ESO category with their painting entitled “Donating Time”, They use a clock as a base. For this work they were supported by their teacher José Estarque Moreno.

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