Chronic cold and chronic constipation?Long after COVID-19 pandemic, study shows symptoms of these common infections also persist

There are still many questions to be answered about Covid-19, from identification to origins – questions that are still not clearly established. There are several mysteries as to why our lives have been one long COVID experience, or symptoms such as fatigue, breathlessness or cognitive changes persist for weeks or months after infection. Furthermore, the World Health Organization estimates that approximately 6% of symptomatic infections are not described as “post-Covid-19 status.” The persistence of more non-COVID respiratory infection symptoms over time is not new.

Research published in reputable journals lancet It was concluded that the two most common symptoms of “chronic constipation” include cough, stomach pain and diarrhea for more than four weeks after the initial infection. Because disease severity appears to be a risk factor for long-term symptoms, investigation is necessary to determine why some people develop long-term symptoms and others do not.

Findings from Queen Mary University of London suggest that acute respiratory infections not related to Covid-19, such as constipation, influenza or pneumonia, may have long-term health effects that are not yet recognized. However, researchers still have no evidence that these symptoms are of the same severity or duration as the “COVID-19 long.”

The study compared the prevalence and severity of two long-term symptoms after an episode of Covid-19 with symptoms after an episode of another acute respiratory infection with a negative SARS-CoV-2 result. People who have recovered from Covid-19 are more likely to develop numbness, palate and smell problems than people who have had respiratory infections unrelated to Covid-19.

The scientists analyzed data from nearly 10,000 adults in the UK using questionnaires and statistical analysis to identify symptom groups.

Responding to Digital Publishing Science DailyOne of the study’s authors noted, “These findings shed light not only on the impact of ‘long Covid’ on people’s lives, but also on the impact of other respiratory infections. “This knowledge – even in the absence of a common term – is Impeding notification and diagnosis of these conditions. “As ‘long COVID’ research continues, we need to use this opportunity to study and consider the long-term effects of other acute respiratory infections,” one scientist warned, noting that these long-term infections are “difficult to diagnose, treat, and primarily This is due to the lack of targeted testing.

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