Kineo Awardconceived and directed Rosetta Sunnelli (President of the Kinéo Cultural Association), enters its third decade this year with its 80th edition International Film Festival Venice Biennale. Godmother of the 21st issue – Ana de la Reguerain Venice with an award-winning Mexican director Michael Franco who presents the film in the competition 80 memories with Jessica Chastain and Peter Sarsgaard. Ana de la Reguera is one of the most famous Mexican actresses who spends her time between her country and Hollywood. Among the international successes we recall: “pueblo chico, Hell Greatby Benjamin Canna with Veronica Castro, for which she won the Heraldo Award for Best Actress. In Hollywood, he works with directors such as Jared Hess and Carlos Carrera, as well as actors such as Jack Black, Harrison Ford and Bruce Willis. Among the first announced prizes: Human Rights Award To Claire Tilesi Italian director and producer, currently based in Los Angeles, dedicated to social change through art, media and film, awarded by Kinéo and Human Rights Global Campus. Chiara Tilesi is the founder of We Do It Together (WDIT), a non-profit film production company dedicated to empowering women and minorities. “Never more than this year have women been deprived of their rights and victims of violence.says Sunnelli, Think Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Yemen and Africa. Let’s think about the scourge of feminicide“. In 2018, he also founded Frequency Production, a company dedicated to producing media that has a positive impact on society. For your last film Say it like a womanconsisting of seven segments directed by seven female directors, was nominated for the 2023 Academy Award for Best Original Song.

Ana de la Reger

Recognition, very close to the recognition of human rights, is Solidarity Awardappointed Martha Miniukki, for creating a documentary on the work of the Italian non-governmental organization CEFA (European Committee for Education and Agriculture) with the aim of implementing projects that help the local population in a sustainable way, especially in the sectors of agriculture, water, environment and society. Today, CEFA operates in 11 countries in Africa and Central and South America, implementing agricultural development projects. Concerning First worksTwo titles were then chosen between dramatic works and comedies: Very quiet Nicola Prosatore with Antonia Truppo (translator and screenwriter), produced by Eskimo Dario Formisano and Cheese with pears Luca Calvani, a light-hearted comedy for the whole family, set in the splendor of the Tuscan countryside.

Pastore’s story is the gritty and dramatic story of some people forced to leave their suburban homes to make way for a new overpass that will destroy their little world forever. The second, however, is a brilliant comedy that tells the story of Fosco (Francesco Ciampi) and Fred (Luca Calvani), two opposite brothers: the first, simple and free, working in a supermarket, the other handsome and charming. but superficial, trying to make a fortune in American cinema. At the end of many clashes, faced with inheritance, they will be able to find a good coexistence. Kinéo also wanted to celebrate the centenary of the birth of the poet who changed Italian cinema (and beyond) by awarding MG Production producer Morena Gentile for making a documentary. Pier Paolo Pasolini – New Vision, directed by Giancarlo Scarkilli, created in collaboration with Luce Cinecittà, Rai Cinema and Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia. The historic accompaniment to the Venice International Film Festival is sponsored by DGCA MIC and will take place on Saturday 2 September 2023 in the splendid setting of the Cà Sagredo Hotel, now made, thanks to the sensitivity to art, directed by Lorenza Laine, home of the Kinéo awards. The awards ceremony was hosted by actor Fabio Fulcó, chosen by Franco Zeffirelli for “Tea with Mussoliniand the star of such successful series as three roses of Eve, Judge Mastrangelo, sea ​​people, Artemisia SanchezMy September.

Ana de la Reger