Cisterna-Valmontone, over 5,000 expropriations expected, but criticism still exists

In recent days, news has emerged that about 5,000 expropriations will soon be initiated for the Cisterna-Valmontone connecting road and a tender for a comprehensive tender for the construction of the first section of the road, that is, the one that connects the province of Ariana, will soon be launched. a road that is about to be completed and the Artena-Kori provincial road.

There are still those who say no

“I read with disbelief the statements of the Cisterna-Valmontone Road Prohibition Committee and am increasingly amazed at how impossible it is to understand the importance of such infrastructure for the entire province and region. I can understand the fear of a new and large-scale operation, but in the face of its potential, fear must give way to determination in favor of the economic development of our territory: which means employment, income and well-being of families.”

This is stated in the note of the MEP of the League-ID Group Matteo Adinolfi.

“In central and lower Lazio, in recent decades, there has been a significant decline in production and industrial development, partly caused precisely by the lack of suitable connections. For this reason, Adinolfi continues, such an operation should not only be welcomed, but above all supported, calling on the institutions involved to act as soon as possible.

We cannot continue to fall behind, rather we must make a decisive leap forward and accelerate activities around the Pontino-Rome-Latina and Cistern-Valmontone Integrated Intermodal System, consisting of a motorway network of about 100 km and related works of about 56 km. km, including the Rome/Tor de Cenci junction) – Latina Nord (Borgo Piave) and the Cisterna-Valmontone section. Thus, the work will make it possible to quickly connect the 148 road and the entire industrial area of ​​Agro Pontino with the A1 motorway, close to the toll booth in Valmontone, allowing faster and therefore cheaper travel and transport, while avoiding getting stuck. in the movement of the Ring Road”.

According to the latest updates, about 5,000 expropriations will be initiated for the Cisterna-Valmontone connecting road and a tender for a comprehensive contract for the construction of the first section of the road, that is, the one that connects the Ariana provincial road, will be initiated. and the provincial road is about to be completed. Work is scheduled to begin in September 2024 and will last 30 months. The value of the investment is about 14 million euros, funded by the Sviluppo e Coesione Foundation. However, for the Rome-Latina line, which is scheduled for tendering next November with completion by spring 2024, there will be a different and longer deadline. The start of construction will likely have to be delayed until the end of 2025. Approximately 156 million euros have been allocated for additional works related to the modernization of the Via Apriliana, Via Foce Verde, the Latina ring road, the SR Arina (Lariano) road and the Labico ring road.

“I call on the Lazio region and all the authorities involved to act expeditiously, without falling, as is often the case, into the network of the Italian bureaucracy, carefully monitoring tenders and the execution of works: our territory, its factories and companies are in dire need of a new and strategic infrastructure and a mobility plan meeting the needs of handicraft, agri-food and industrial production, concludes MEP Lega Gruppo ID. “Finally, I ask the Regional Authority and President Rocca to take action to extend the Rome Latina project to Fondi, to complete the Monti Lepini Latina Frosinone and to connect Pedemontana di Formia, reaching the capital’s capillary connection with all of lower Lazio.”

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