citizens of machiquita

This Saturday afternoon, a dead sea lion was reported off the coast of Mar Chiquita. Authorities reported that it was the first specimen found after an outbreak of bird flu affecting mammal populations off the coast of Buenos Aires. They advise against approaching and carrying pets that may be infected.

Currently, 10 percent of the Mar del Plata sea lion population is dead, a figure that comes from daily surveys conducted by health authorities, with a total of 70 sea lions reported to have died from the virus.

In addition, cases have been recorded on the beaches of Necochea and Miramar. The sea lion spotted yesterday in North Camet was the first sea lion on the Chiquita Coast.

Since the virus is present in the secretions and excrements of sick or dead animals, remember to stay away and notify Senasa, the authorities explained. In addition, it is recommended that in the presence of wild animals, such as sick and dead birds and sea lions, not to approach them and to avoid direct contact.

Likewise, pet owners are required to be responsible by restricting their access to beaches with sick or dead animals and to notify immediately of instances of sick or dead wildlife.

epidemiological situation

Senasa emphasized that the recent test results in marine mammals do not affect the animal health status declared to the World Organization for Animal Health (WHO), and Argentina maintains its status as a country free of HPAI in poultry. According to the organization’s guidelines, the disease is likely to be present in subpopulations of wild animals, and subpopulations of poultry can be protected from the disease through biosecurity measures and surveillance.

Senasa will continue to maintain a state of alert and epidemiological surveillance in an effort to contain the spread of the disease in collaboration with different regions as well as national, provincial and municipal organizations and production sectors.

notification channel

According to Senasa Resolution No. 153/2021, avian influenza is a notifiable disease in our country and anyone who notices dead, neurological, digestive and/or respiratory symptoms in wild or domestic poultry can notify the agency through the following channels:

Go in person to the nearest Senasa office and call the number 11 5700 5704; Via the mobile device application “Senasa Notifications” available in the Play Store; write to e-mail

Photo: Esebant Guillermo Justo (Facebook)

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