Città di Castello, awarded to the most deserving students. veracity

120 students graduating with honors at the end of the 2022/2023 school year were honored on Thursday 20 July. The ceremony, which was also attended by a large number of students’ families and friends, took place in a highly evocative setting such as the garden of the Municipal Art Gallery.

Here the merit certificates were presented to the students who graduated with the highest marks in the first and second level secondary schools in the Città di Castello region and their peers from Ticino, who did the same in the institutions of other municipalities in the Upper Tiber region.

“We wanted to tell our youth that merit matters and are recognized and rewarded and that the municipal administration appreciates the commitment and passion with which they studied in the difficult years after the pandemic and encouraged them to continue to put their skills, knowledge and wisdom to good use”, said Mayor Luca Secondi and Councilor for Educational Services Letizia Guerri.

The students who were recognized were: for “Alighieri – Pascoli” Secondary School“: Pietro Badini, Giulio Baldichi, Eden Alessandro Bernardini, Matilde Biagioni, Marta Biancarelli Martinelli, Gaia Calabrese, Leonardo Donlai, Cordelia Rose Greenwood, Giada Laurie, Alexia Denisa Zanfiriou, Nadia Zanga, Davide Zangarelli, Anna Butarini, Andrea Calzolari, Veronica Campanelli, Lila Khaus, David Marconi , Eleonora Pascucci, Leonardo Squartini, Lorenzo Angelini, Pietro Bacchi, Margherita Calestrini, Anna Marinelli, Paola Pinzaglia, Pietro Alcherigi, Marco Grilli, Lisa Zanchi, Augusto Cancellieri, Sofia Santi, Sofia Savini, Greta Sissi, Francesco Bacaficchi, Dilette Calafiori, Davide Conti, Chiara Ilari, Linda Mariotti, Miri M. Panizzi, Kosmin Oleinik, Chiara Pescari, Giovanni Pierini, Giulia Siribili, Martina Giacchi, Sofia Picciolini, Alessia Rillo, Federica Valori, Giada Borriosi.

i forState Comprehensive Institute of Tristina “Alberto Burri”.: Asia Domenicini, Anna Massai, Vittoria Robellini, Gabriele Crispino, Flavio Frattini, Alice Domenicini, Riccardo Lorenzi, Carolina Ramacioni, Achille Ceccarini.

For “San Francesco di Sales” Secondary School: Maria Stella Seti.

ForState Comprehensive Institute of “Leonardo da Vinci” San Giustino: Sofia Balducci, Elena Cecconi, Pietro Casasi, Adele Perugini, Daniele Valentini.

ForHigher Education Institute “Patrizzi – Baldelli – Cavallotti”: Eugenio Marino, Elisa Occhineri, Niccolò Spadoni, Diego Biratoni, Francesca Cecchini, Tommaso Maccarelli, Fadoua Semoudi, Sofia Simoncini, Laura Coletti, Luca Buttarini, Denis Noemi Ferro, Ayoub Benichou, Nicola Bonelli.

For “Franchetti-Salviani” technical pole“: Francesco Martini, Melissa Chiapini, Matilde Cozzari, Carlo De Martinis, Matteo Dini, Martina Mossa, Celeste Saltanocchi, Michael Cecchini, Ariana Gustinichi, Giorgia Coltrioli, Andrea Carbonari, Lorenzo Occhineri, Filippo Comanducci.

For State High School “Pliny the Younger”: Francesca Bacaficchi, Cristina Bernini, Stella Cardellini, Anna Clara Castellani, Gabriele Giovanni Guerri, Jada Leandri, Giulia Lucacioni, Davide Marconi, Gregorio Masi, Elisa Pecorari, Filippo Pecorelli, Alice Pellegrini, Giorgia Perioli, Livia Polezani, Francesco Rosi, Matilde Savelli, Luca Volpi.

For Social Economics High School “San Francesco di Sales”: Valentina Bastianoni, Helen Zhang.

i forHigher Education Institution “Campus Leonardo da VinciI” of Umbertide: Elisa Coralliani, Margherita Bachi, Lucrezia Domenicini, Elisa Splendorini, Isabella Alice Giombini, Giorgia Signorelli.

ForInstitute of Higher Education “G. Giovagnolli“Of Sansepolcro: Marica di Caterino.

ForInstitute of Higher Education “Citta Di Piero“Among Sansepolcro: Elisa Mannarelli, Rachele Bartolini, Agnes Guy, Giuseppe Lucaccioni, Celeste Pettinari.

Photos of the individual awards are published on the official Facebook profile of the Municipality of Città di Castello.

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