Claudia Guerini and Federico Zampaglione, their daughter Linda and the eighth grade exam: “She was great” photo

claudia gherini And federico zampaglione for togetherexamination Of third year of middle school From Daughter win fans. The actress and singer-songwriter supported young Linda on this momentous day for the 13-year-old. “She was great,” wrote the frontman of tiromansino But Facebook, In the photo, the family is reunited and all smiles on a “beautiful” day for their young teen.

Relaxation and lunch on the beach with friends in Claudia Gerini, Ostia

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Tiromansino’s actress and singer had a great love story that began in 2004, when it was love at first sight on the set of the video for “Amore Impossible”. Linda was born in 2009, and this year she will be 14 years old, and in September she will start a new life path: entering senior secondary school.

Linda’s spirit

Visibly excited, Claudia Guerini and Federico Zampaglione embrace their daughter, with whom they take a photo to immortalize an important stage in the beginning of young Linda’s adolescence. “She was great,” wrote the singer-songwriter on Facebook, who won over fans with an emoji of a heart wrapped in bandages. “You are an example to all separated parents,” some users on the social network write. “She’s so nice, you’re so beautiful!”, write others, encouraging young Linda to pursue and make all her dreams come true.

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