Cleaning Tips | Put it in the toilet at night and it will be clean in the morning

Put it in the toilet at night and it will be clean in the morningfree drawing

Keeping our homes clean is one of our biggest concerns When it comes time to clean the bathroom, it can be a big dilemma., as it is one of the areas that requires the most time and hygiene.The bathroom is one of the dirtiest rooms in our house Since they tend to accumulate a lot of dirt, we must remove them to avoid infection or the spread of moisture. Even unwanted insects.

yes Keeping the toilet area clean is crucial, which is why many of us try our best to achieve this goal..So we turn to countless chemical or natural remedies And homemade ones that never work properly. However, our time is limited and many times we want to clean up as quickly as possible because we lack time and patience.

However, thanks to the tips we brought to you today, able clean your toilet It only takes 10 minutes, wait overnight for it to take effect. That way, when you wake up the next day, your toilet will be completely clean and, most importantly, disinfected.

Learn how to clean the bottom of your toilet using ingredients from your kitchen.

salt and baking soda

This combination is one of the most powerful and popular in home cleaning. This duo is an incredible choice when it comes to avoiding chemicals.mixed 250g salt and another 250g baking soda It is enough to perform this method. We simply pour the mixture into the toilet and leave it overnight.

This paste will make lime on wall toilet shed and any bacteria can be eliminated.While we let this mixture work for a few hours, once that time passed we just remove excess.Highly recommended to use Hot water and brush together We can remove excess dirt that is supposed to come off.

Another strategy is to create a “Bicarbonate Pump” there is so much sunshineor two cups baking soda, one quart kitchen soap, and liquid alcohol. We simply mix these three ingredients until we have a manageable mixture and then dry it.Similarly, we can also use white vinegar Eliminate odors and essential oils for a more pleasant smell.

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