Cofepris warns of health risks from poppers

Editorial/Quadratín Mexico

Mexico City, September 19, 2023. – Cofepris warns people not to consume products called “poppers” used for recreational purposes because, in addition to being addictive, they contain highly toxic, irritating, volatile and flammable chemicals.

Cofepris found that these products, which are typically sold in liquid form and packaged in vials for inhalation, have become popular among youth and adolescents.

Some uses of “poppers” are as psychoactive substances and/or sexual stimulants. These products produce a state of euphoria and non-inhibition, which may increase unsafe sex, leading to the acquisition of sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Other possible health effects of consuming “poppers” include: respiratory tract irritation, causing difficulty breathing; chronic cough; bronchitis; and lipoid pneumonia. It can also cause eye injuries, vision impairment, and in some cases, vision loss.

Full notes in Quadratín México

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