Colds, when do you get a cold and when do you stop getting a cold?

he common cold This is an upper respiratory tract disease that is highly contagious.Benefits are symptom they are appearing little by littleunlike influenza it seems so sudden Cold is spread through the air and not, for example, from being cold or walking barefoot, as the old common myth claimed.

Anyway, as a precaution, if you wish avoid infection, Don’t cough, sneeze or blow your nose around other people, and try to stay home at least the first two or three days Because that’s when you’re most contagious. After a week, the chances of spreading the virus decrease. Let’s take a closer look at the stages of a cold, which will help you understand which stage you’re in.

cold stage

There are no symptoms that would make you think you have a cold.

These days, you’ll start to feel a little tired, sneeze more frequently, have body aches, and even have some discomfort in your throat. A cold can progress quickly. Therefore, if you notice some of these symptoms, you should protect yourself to prevent them from getting worse.

If a cold continues into the third and fourth days, the nose will become more clogged and the mucus will increase, so you must follow different guidelines to open airways blocked by secretions.

Due to nasal congestion and effort when blowing, the respiratory tract becomes inflamed, causing the cough to persist. Of course, other symptoms will disappear as well. This is the beginning of the cold fading.

common cold usually span about 7-10 days Most patients can improve with rest and natural treatments, since viral infections cannot be treated with medications. Antibiotics are directed against bacteria.

On the other hand, sometimes colds last longer or come back multiple times throughout the year.This is because Rhinovirus This is the most common cause of cold viruses, and there are even 100 viruses. As a result, you get sick repeatedly. Even if your body “remembers” a previous infection you had, the virus is likely different.

How to prevent colds

bad news.cold itself This cannot be stopped. What can be done is avoid Washing your hands frequently may be contagious, and avoid touching your nose, eyes, or mouth if you have been in contact with someone who has a cold.Colds are spread through: air droplets Spread through the environment. Don’t give them a chance to sneak into your body through these holes.

If you are already infected, avoid doing all of the above so you don’t become the cause of spreading the virus.If you feel very unwell, take paracetamol, Much better than ibuprofen because the active ingredient in acetaminophen can treat mild to moderate pain, sometimes accompanied by fever, as long as a cold persists or turns into the flu.

Therefore, do not take antibiotics unless prescribed by your doctor. Regardless, if all of these symptoms persist or your cold lasts longer than it should, it’s a good idea to see your doctor so he can more accurately evaluate you to rule out possible serious problems.

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