Come on! Miley Cyrus is working on a new album, she said as an artist

Miley Cyrus
Photo: Divulgacao

See you soon! Cantora Miley Cyrus He is currently working on the next album in his career. That’s all! The information was confirmed by my artist, Tish Cyruswhat happened recently for the third time, and why some of the music performed at the ceremony will be part of a future recording.

The music that went down the altar is music that Miley wrote and will be on her next album. You’re neat! When the album comes out, I’ll tell you what kind of music it is. This is something beautiful, very ideal!” Tish said in one of the podcast episodes.Sorry, we’re stoned

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But calm down! Please note, details about the title and release date of Miley Cyrus’ new album have not yet been disclosed. It is worth noting that this year the singer launched the album and achieved greater success.

About the album called “Endless summer holidays“, I was released in March and made the list of top 5 albums Billboard, which shows the 200 records ever made and sold in the United States. Seeing that there are 13 hits in total in the project, including the hit “Flowers“and turned on music in the park with a singer Ischamada”dirty feet”, and is available on digital platforms.

Recently, in August of this year, Miley released a new single called “Used To Be Young”, which is a continuation of her “Endless Summer Vacation” era. “This music honors us and inspires us to love ourselves as we are, to celebrate our return. Sinto-me orgulhosa reflects on its past and thinks happily about the future. I thank you for knowing that every day I return to my sense of reality and stability thanks to my inabalável. This music is for voices,” she said to the song, for which a video was also shot.

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