Communities that vaccinate the most doctors and nurses against flu

this valencian community is a leader in Influenza vaccination for health care workers 2022. That year, they vaccinated 80.16% of health care workers; 2023 target not yet achieved expected. While the ministry noted that the 75% target will soon be achieved, community public health doctors explained the reasons for this decline based on: “Occupational fatigue” and repeated dose fatigue The development of a COVID-19 vaccine will automatically slow down the development of a flu vaccine.

In itself, Valencian Community Ministry of Health Already sent to medical writing The data is from 2022 and belongs to another government team, so “they didn’t know the strategy at the time.” “This year, however, we will reach a similar percentage by the end of the campaign. We now have 74.5%. The health department is implementing initiatives to facilitate vaccination of its staff, such as mobile units across the department,” they said.

Vaccines for health care workers in 2023

in part Valencian Association of Preventive Medicine and Public Health your president, Juan Navarro, I want to emphasize that although these vaccination data are the best in 2022, they have declined in 2023. “The truth is that the 2022 flu campaign We have a lot to gain from emulating successes in the COVID-19 pandemic. When the first two doses of the vaccine began to be administered in 2021, both vaccines were greatly boosted and in 2022 the memory of health personnel’s priority for vaccination remains,” he noted.

The “good news” about flu shots and vaccination campaigns has stuck with last year. Navarro noted that by 2023, the opposite will be true, Health workers ‘perhaps fatigued from administering too many vaccines’. “Healthcare workers must wear The fifth new coronavirus vaccine, so they are rarely vaccinated, which results in lower influenza vaccination rates.Even so, in our autonomous community The number of people vaccinated has increased by 15% to 20% Flu health care is more important than COVID-19.

According to the latest data from community management in January, the flu vaccination rate among health care workers reached 68.7% in the first few weeks of January. “This year, many people in the general population and health levels have decided not to get vaccinated against COVID-19, which is why the flu has also decreased. However, last week, due to the fear of infection, an increase in cases and an increase in care commitments in primary schools and hospitals, we noticed to a rebound of 71.11%. This makes us think We can reach the 75% target A few more weeks,” he said.

Valencia Community Vaccination Plan

In Navarro’s eyes, the vaccination program for the Valencian community has seen many improvements: “You can’t show up on Three Kings Day when the whole population is sick., diseases for which vaccines are available and for which vaccination rates are low.This year failed, but we had a good vaccination campaign, we invested many resources at the health center level, providing preventive services to health workers and groups, the intranasal vaccine was introduced for the first time… but Even the best campaigns in the world fail Without popular participation,” he recalled.

In information systems, Valencia community vaccine registration pioneer, since 2000, with online registration and control, quality guaranteed “always”. “They are systems that communicate with all vaccination centers in the community. Primary schools and hospitals have enough convenience and facilities for vaccination, and the best vaccines are being procured, such as four quadrivalent vaccines this year. We believe the model is very Good, but could be improved,” he concluded.

Although it may contain statements, data, or notes from health agencies or professionals, the information contained in medical writing is compiled and prepared by journalists. Readers are advised to consult a healthcare professional with any health-related questions.

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