Conegliano, “Mare fuori” becomes “Parè fuori”: the inventions of Andrea Da Dalto | Treviso today | News

Conegliano, “Mare fuori” becomes “Parè fuori”: the inventions of Andrea Da Dalto |  Treviso today |  News

CONEGLIANO – In the head of Andrea Da Dalto social trends are transformed into cartoons and posts related to the city of Conegliano. And so the series “Sea out“became the meme”It seems out”, Shakira sings “you changed via Carducci to the ex Zanussi area” and the famous dress by Clare Ferragni bears the inscription “Think in Piazza Cima”. Andrea is originally from Vazzola, but has lived in Campolongo for 13 years. A year and a half ago he launched the Instagram page “The modest Conegliano”, a kind of remake of the “uglier Milanese”. For some years he has also managed the page of “Kim from Northern Capea”, a profile that publishes memes focused on the figure of Kim Jong-un. The posts are made exclusively in dialect, and most of the time they also go viral on Whatsapp.

In 2022 Andrea decided to take care of his city too, and so he opened the page of the modest Coneglianese. “The Conegliano area is a status symbol – explains the 42-year-old -. The local fauna has inspired me and continues to inspire me. Let’s say that the Conegliano is a bit like a Milanese who didn’t make it. I make fun of the issues that interest many people who live in Conegliano: padel, crossfit, parking”. Andrea is a clerk, but in his spare time he runs an e-commerce that sells products with dialect writing. Is called “Brand” and offers playful clothes and accessories: from “sugaman” (a parody of Superman) to the branded sweatshirts “Gnaca Bach”, passing through the shirts of the “King Bel” and designer bags “Miane Vice”.

“It doesn’t make me much money, but at least I have fun – explains Andrea -. The dialect always strikes”. To create his posts, however, the 42-year-old follows social media trends or goes for a walk downtown. “I look and get inspired – he reveals-. I tear off half a sentence at the bar or look at the level of people’s rolls. Unfortunately today the center of Conegliano is a caricature of himself”. Soon Andrea could open a page dedicated to Vittorio Veneto. “I would also like to take care of the Vittoria fauna – anticipates the 42-year-old -. I’m thinking about it”.

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