Coruña has until December 31 to file a lawsuit seeking the rights to Cornide House

Coruña Council has until December 31 to file a lawsuit seeking ownership of Casa Cornide. The property has been classified as a cultural asset (BIC) since yesterday (Tuesday), so the Franco family must open it to the public at least four times a month.

On April 27, Consello da Xunta approved the statement and published it in official gazette of galicia (DOG) May 12 and later official state communications (BOE).The document came into effect yesterday (October 24) There is no appeal against this decision.

The Municipality of A Coruña yesterday celebrated the fact that Casa Cornide has now been renamed BIC. “This is not just a goal of preserving our historical and artistic heritage., Also senón arrived “Ensuring all citizens have access to benefits that must be made public”indicating municipal sources.

To be precise, the Coruña Conference will be presented within the next two months A judicial claim to ownership of the property. The local government said it would launch the process in court this year and “strengthen” it with a BIC declaration.

According to DOG, Cornide House has “outstanding cultural value” in Galicia.Considered a BIC historic complex, the property “brings together historical and architectural values ​​and stands out for its uniqueness” and is Coruña Polygraph Residence of José Andrés Conide Folgueira y Saavedra.

BIC statement holds Franco family accountable Prevent deterioration or loss and allows access to “personnel authorized to perform inspection functions, investigators and technical personnel of competent authorities.” The owner must also communicate an intention to “onerously convey” the property, which has been sold several times.

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