Coughing at night, a challenge to rest

Coughing at night, a challenge to restfree drawing

Coughing is an often underestimated physiological function that plays a vital role in maintaining respiratory health.In addition to being generally considered an irritant symptom, this natural mechanism of the human body also satisfies Important function to clean the respiratory tract and protect against possible threats. Furthermore, it is a common symptom of various diseases, with an annual prevalence in the population ranging from 10% to 30%, according to the Spanish Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery (SEPAR).

as the doctor explained Julio Maset, Doctor Cinfa“, “Although this is one of the most common reasons for seeking medical attention, in most cases, this symptom is not cause for alarm, especially if it is acute; that is, lasting less than 4 weeks. However, because there are many types of coughs, depending on their frequency, coughs can be very annoying and greatly affect the quality of life of those who suffer from them. ”

One of the most common reasons is Acute cough includes upper respiratory tract infections such as colds, pharyngitis, acute bronchitis, and pneumoniaWorsening of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or postnasal drip, such as a consequence of sinusitis. Conditions that cause chronic cough include chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, gastroesophageal reflux (GERD), and postnasal drip. Likewise, different types of allergies can cause coughs with different characteristics.

Why do I cough worse at night?

One of the most challenging aspects of a cough is its occurrence at night, as “a cough can be perceived as more annoying or felt more intensely when we are in a period of rest,” explains Cinfa experts. This occurs “due to a narrowing of the upper airway and accumulation of secretions in the throat due to a horizontal sleeping position.”Not only does this lead to difficulty sleeping; Can affect physical and emotional health, causing irritability and fatigue and problems concentrating during the day,” adds Dr. Maset.

Environmental factors, such as bedroom humidity, can affect the intensity of your nighttime cough. “Both summer heat and excessive use of heating in winter can dry out the air in a room and worsen nighttime coughs,” explains Dr. Masset.

Regardless of the type, the cause needs to be treated.If your cough is very annoying and interfering with your night’s rest, if your cough is chronic or if you have symptoms of asthma or bronchitis, your best option is Visit our GP. “We cannot give up rest because of a cough. If it is a cold or seasonal allergies, our pharmacy can also tell us the solution,” he concluded.

The Ten Commandments Make Coughing No Longer a Nightmare

  1. Perform nasal irrigation before bed. Rinsing your nasal passages with sea water or salt water can help relieve coughs and promote rest.
  2. Keep indoor humidity at least 40%. A dry environment can irritate the respiratory tract and aggravate coughing. Consult your healthcare professional about the possibility of using a cool mist humidifier, and in the winter, don’t overuse the heat.
  3. raise your bedside Or, where appropriate, your son or daughter’s crib or bed. This will facilitate the movement of air through the airways and prevent postnasal drip. You can also use a double pillow or place a quadrant underneath it to merge your head slightly.
  4. Take honey or herbal sugar to soothe your throat.. On the other hand, avoid using menthol as it is an irritant.
  5. Drink at least two liters of water every day. This habit keeps your respiratory tract hydrated and moist. Additionally, in the case of a phlegm-producing cough, it helps make mucus more fluid, making it easier to expel. It is beneficial to do this before going to bed.
  6. If a cough breaks out, take a deep breath and swallow your saliva.. You can also drink lukewarm water or, if possible, a hot drink with a spoonful of honey.
  7. Avoid smoky spaces. Smoke is an irritant and can stimulate coughing. Also don’t smoke, and if necessary ask those around you not to smoke.
  8. If your cough is severe, seek professional help. If your cough prevents you from resting, you may want to make an appointment with your GP to diagnose and prescribe the most appropriate treatment. If it’s caused by a cold or seasonal allergies, you can talk to your pharmaceutical professional to advise you on appropriate solutions.
  9. If you have allergies, please pay attention to allergens. For example, when pollen levels are very high, go out as little as possible and keep your windows closed. On the other hand, if you are allergic to dust, be sure to keep the room well-ventilated and wipe dust off surfaces with a damp cloth.
  10. If you have gastroesophageal reflux disease, get it under control. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can cause throat irritation and coughing, especially at night. Avoid large meals and foods that cause burning, such as fatty or spicy foods.

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