Cristiano Malgioglio, where the singer lives: the dream home

Cristiano Malgioglio the famous lyricist lives in a beautiful house, elegant and refined just like his personality: let’s find out the details.

One of the famous lyricists who with his culture, his professionalism and his enormous talent has changed the world of entertainment is him, Cristiano Malgioglio. Thanks to his great sense of creativity he has written songs, which have become cult in music, for many great artists such as Milva, Mina, Raffaella Carrà and many others. Many are curious to know where the famous reference point of Italian TV, Cristiano Malgioglio, lives.

The house of Cristiano Malgioglio – source ansa, newsby

Cristiano has always been a very professional man but above all much appreciated and loved by the public, who have been able to notice his great sympathy in various programs and reality shows that are super popular today: among these Such and which show conducted by Carlo Conti and the Big Brother VIP, which saw him protagonist in 2017 and, in a short period, last year. His career took off in 1973 with the song Amo, written for Donatella Moretti, continuing the song in 1974 Hello Darling how are you? interpreted by Iva Zanicchi, for which he won the victory at the Sanremo Festival. The famous meeting that changed his life was the famous friendship with Fabrizio De Andrè, who almost immediately recognized the talent in the man.

One of the songs written for an important artist like Mina fu The important thing is to finish. On this piece in an interview Malgioglio revealed: “It is a song born by chance, passed through the hands of Dori Ghezzi, but also of Giovanna. Then, together with Anelli, we decided to try to send the piece to Mina, which is a bit like today someone wants to write for Beyoncé. At that point the miracle happened (…)”.

A career full of successes, but fans are always curious to know where the influential people in the entertainment world live their lives. Today we reveal where the famous lyricist lives.

Where does Cristiano Malgioglio live?

Italy’s most famous lyricist, Cristiano Malgioglio, has won over the hearts of many fans for his eccentric style and his love for trash. His apartment perfectly reflects his lifestyle. It is located in the center of Milan, in one of the neighborhoods considered VIPs.

The house of Malgioglio-newsby, source Instagram

Malgioglio’s house opens with a large living room, inside there is a large marble table, a white sofa, an entrance where guests and the author’s loved ones are welcomed e a corner bar, useful for preparing welcome cocktails.

In one of the many rooms of his apartment Cristiano exhibited the many paintings that depict him, numerous photographs with many friends from the world of entertainment and vases in the shape of a woman.

The dining room is distinguished by the huge white table and other paintings depicting him and his beloved mother. The kitchen is furnished with white furniture and chairs. Finally, the sleeping area is super modern and characterized by the two lampshades placed not on the bedside tables but suspended next to the bed.

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