Cristiano Ronaldo takes over Portugal’s most important media for €56.8 million

Hotel and fitness chains, lingerie and perfume brands, real estate investments, hair transplant clinics or water brands are some of the businesses that adorn this brand. Cristiano Ronaldo’s business empire. His attitude as an entrepreneur is very similar to his attitude on the field, as he always wants more, which has been proven with his recent major investments.

The Al Nasr footballer went all out after realizing one of his biggest wishes: Acquisition of the entire share capital of Cofina Media, one of the most important and sought-after audiovisual groups in Portugal, owned by CM TVAs several local media outlets noted, the network is the most-watched in the country, with more viewers than public television.

To this end, the Portuguese, through investor groups Book ExpressPaid The total amount paid for the shares in the private entity is a chilling €56.8 million. It also owns the country’s best-selling newspapers, such as Manhattan Mail. In fact, this edition received a lawsuit from the footballer for all the information it provided about him, and even went to court.

“This is a good choice”

Miguel Pacoioa trustworthy and good friend of Cristiano Ronaldo, Meeting with Cofina shareholders last Thursday The entire sale of Communications Group shares was approved at the extraordinary meeting. The proposal received an enthusiastic response from 99.64% of board members, who unanimously gave the green light to the movement.

Members of investor groups with high professional reputations believe: This is an “outstanding” acquisition given that this is a group that is “fully expanding”according to OK diary, a media reported the news. “They continue to sell newspapers, which are in decline! And the CM TV network is simply a hit. He is surrounded by good people and gets good advice. Its partners are the group’s best in recent decades. Some think tanks, journalists and managers who know the market very well. “It’s a good choice. “

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