Cry of the Night – Janine Frost

American writer Janine Frostspecializing in Vampire novelsno one Cry of the night (Fanucci, 2011, translated by Silvia Demy) concludes the saga. Night Huntress telling us the story of the beautiful half-vampire Kat Crowfield and her tormenting passion for Bones.

Painful love.

Kat is half-vampire and has been living life to the fullest for some time now.

He found love in Bones, an undead man whom he found again many years later.

Of course, life is not all sunshine and roses.

The constant attacks of her enemies are a thorn in her side, but those who love and protect her are quickly stopped.

Is everything okay then?

Oh no, because the enemies never end and someone is plotting in the shadows.

Someone who was defeated, but, unfortunately, managed to recover and find new ways to return to the attack.

Do we want to add the notorious load of ninety?

A woman comes from Kostya’s past who wants to kill him once and for all.

He saved Kat’s life many times, and now she will have to return the favor.

Of course, it won’t be easy, but if you knew our main character in this story, you would know that she doesn’t back down from anything.

Even then (and if) he has to show his most animal instincts…

Janine Frost tells us about love.

Tormenting love, food that does not have time to find its place in the world, which is immediately interfered with by those who love to wreak havoc in the lives of others.

Well-characterized characters who will move through a fabulous and disturbing scenario at the same time.

Sharp dialogue and raw, sexy scenes will be the outline, or rather the fulcrum, of these pages.

Pages dedicated to those who love painful stories and spicy love, pages that furiously slip through our fingers and under our gaze.

Those who really can’t stomach this kind of story may find this story to be an excuse to start reading a genre they’ve hitherto been dismissive of.

Maybe nothing will change, but who knows…

On the other hand, books have the advantage that they give everyone a chance without asking for anything in return.

Great, great gift.

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