Dani García’s secret recipe for roasting chestnuts at home

Roast chestnuts at home with Dani García’s recipe (Shutterstock)

There are few delicious things More autumnal than roasted chestnuts, a delicacy widely consumed and loved in almost every corner of Spain.Even at this time of year, some parts of the country they celebrate party Totally dedicated to this delicious dried fruit.The situation is like this Castañadais a popular holiday celebrated throughout Catalonia on the eve of All Saints’ Day, paying homage to autumn and its seasonal products.

And in other parts of the country, during these dates, the streets of towns are filled with the characteristic smell of roasted chestnuts, thanks to Prepare them for street stalls They bake in the open air.There is no doubt that it is one of the Most popular fall plans Delicious: taking a walk on a cold day and warming our hands with a tube of fresh chestnuts.

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However, they are reluctant to prepare this appetizer at home, since it is not easy to prepare it in a regular pan if you do not know the necessary steps.he Chef Danny GarciaThose who are very fond of this dried fruit know how to get roasted chestnuts step by step, warm and just right, Only takes 20 minutes. Moreover, according to the chef’s recipe, we don’t need any strange ingredients or extra utensils: just chestnuts and a little salt, as well as a good frying pan and a suitable lid, we can make our roasted chestnuts.

Like most of its relative nuts, the chestnut is a Typical autumn food, So this is the ideal time to consume it. Chestnuts are the fruit of the chestnut tree, a deciduous tree that is now widely distributed across much of the Earth, especially in the Northern Hemisphere.Chestnuts are not the fruit of this tree; the seed of this. The fruit of the chestnut tree is easily thought of as a sphere or dome covered with thorns. Inside you can find chestnuts, also called achenes.

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File – Chestnuts are freed in autumn from the covering given to them by the fruits. They contain saponins, which makes them suitable for producing biodegradable soap solutions.Photo: Hauke-Christian Dittrich/dpa

Although chestnuts are dried fruits, Its composition is more similar to cereals. Chestnuts are a great source of fiber and rich in complex carbohydrates, compounds that should be the most important source of energy in our diet. Additionally, the fat content is very similar to that of the grain and therefore significantly lower than that found in other nuts. Due to these characteristics, the water content of chestnut is close to 50%, making it one of the nuts. lower calorie content. As for minerals, chestnuts are a source of phosphorus and potassium.

Garcia loves this dried fruit and has the perfect step-by-step method for making it at home.The first thing Danny Garcia did was Cut all the chestnuts you want to roast, Use a knife to make a slit in the middle of the chestnut, starting from the tip. When the middle of the chestnut is reached, the chef bends the knife slightly, as if splitting a potato, to see if the chestnut is intact. Additionally, this opening will allow the chestnuts to heat more evenly.

Once the chestnuts are open, Garcia places them in a covered saucepan over medium-low heat.at the moment No added salt or water, Instead, let the chestnuts cook in their own water. He leaves them like that for about six minutes, then Danny Garcia removes the lid and adds salt, which should be flake salt or Maldon salt, better than fine or coarse salt. The Malaga chef covered the pot again and waited another four minutes until the total reached 10.

After that, Garcia Raise the temperature a little more Turn the ceramic hob to position seven and cook for another five minutes. In this way, Marbella chefs recommend letting the chestnuts sweat. If this does not happen because our chestnuts are too dry, the chef recommends adding a little water, just wet your finger and rub it on the chestnuts.

This brings our cooking time to 15 minutes.We only have five left, three of them are covered, the others Two without it, the frying pan does not have a lid, let the chestnuts dry completely. A total of 20 minutes of cooking time is enough to have delicious roasted chestnuts at home.

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