Death of Brian Randall: Sandra Bullock wants to scatter her partner’s ashes in a special place, here’s where

Sandra Bullock lost her partner Brian Randall to ALS.  Now he wants to scatter his ashes in a special place.
Sandra Bullock lost her partner Brian Randall to ALS. Now he wants to scatter his ashes in a special place.


The hard days are over. On August 5, Sandra Bullock had to say goodbye to her great love, Brian Randall, who passed away after a three-year battle with ALS.

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  • Actress Sandra Bullock and photographer Brian Randall have been dating since 2015.
  • A 57-year-old man died after a long battle with the neurological disease ALS.
  • Now Bullock wants to pay tribute by scattering his ashes in their favorite spot.

Actress with a heavy heart Sandra Bullock (age 59) had to say goodbye to his photographer partner Brian Randall, at the beginning of August. Her longtime partner died of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), which she had been battling for a long time. The disease is incurable.

The family said in a statement: “Brian made the decision in advance to keep his ALS a secret, and we who cared for him did everything we could to fulfill his wish.”

The couple have been dating since 2015 and the Hollywood star called the 57-year-old photographer “the love of his life” and now he has chosen his final resting place to scatter his ashes.

Last farewell to the Bahamas

According to the Daily Mail, the actress wants to scatter the ashes of her deceased partner at sea in the Bahamas. Here they committed themselves to mutual love in 2017, three years before Randall was diagnosed with ALS.

The couple never officially said yes, but the ceremony in the Bahamas became a substitute for marriage. Therefore, Bullock wants to pay tribute to the late partner in the Caribbean country.

The British magazine also reports that Randall’s daughter, Skylar (age 29), has been in possession of his father’s ashes since last week and is in close contact with Bullock.

Where the photographer’s funeral will take place is still unknown.

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