Deceased brother receives €63,200 for not being tested for peritonitis – Lorca

Two brothers of a patient who died of peritonitis the day after hospital discharge are entitled to 63,200 euros in compensation from the Murcia Health Service (SMS) because the condition was not detected in time.

This was noted in an opinion issued by the Murcia Regional Legal Council (CJRM), which supported the recommendations made by the dossier’s investigators and stated that the health services in the region were operating in violation of the law.

The report states that the patient went to the Totana Emergency Center (Murcia) in December 2014 complaining of abdominal pain and was subsequently sent to the Rafael Mendez Hospital in the town of Lorca, Murcia.

After being discharged three days after admission, clinical reports revealed that he suffered from a urinary tract infection and died the next day.

The CJRM held that, echoing the report issued by the medical examination, which conclusively highlighted that he suffered from intestinal perforation and that his discharge was hasty.

He added that abdominal tomography should be performed, which would allow for early detection and appropriate treatment, so the evolution of the patient’s health might be different.

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