Delegates recommend police working days be limited to 12 hours

Morelia, Michigan, October 13, 2023. – Representatives of the pluralist group in the state parliament said that the working hours of the police should not be long or short, and the ideal estimate is 10 hours, and they proposed a reform so that the day does not exceed 12 hours.

Internationally police working hours range from 8 to 12 hours a day. No country has formally established a 24-hour workday, although according to Causa en Común’s study of Mexican police workdays, examples of the 24-hour workday were found in Nicaragua and Mexico.

In Michoacán, working hours are 24 a.m. by 24 a.m., resulting in 39% of police officers saying they rarely leave work at the corresponding time due to “service needs.” 42% of police officers said their health was affected by police work; 64% suffered from stress, 50% suffered from gastritis, 44.8% suffered from body aches and 39% suffered from fatigue.

Low wages and long working hours have a negative impact on police performance and therefore the safety of citizens. Although the negative impact of working conditions is prominent, the regulation of police working hours remains an open issue, with representatives stating that the government has fallen behind. .

In their explanatory statement, they stressed that short shifts would not improve police performance, although the United Nations has stipulated that police should work no more than eight hours, according to a study conducted by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ).

In addition, based on the results of studies conducted in the United States on functioning and burnout syndrome every working day, it was concluded that the ideal day is not 8 hours, but 10 hours, since the accumulation of work can be avoided. . In Canada, there are studies that consider the phenomenon of burnout, but they are at the municipal or provincial level.

The specific proposal is to stipulate in the municipal organic law that the municipal preventive police enjoy working conditions guaranteed by federal and state laws and regulations, with working hours not exceeding 12 hours, in addition to ensuring that they have decent wages, work equipment and continuous working hours. train..

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