Dengue spreads in Progreso: authorities don’t know the number of cases

progress– Health Bureau The city government reported No updated data on dengue cases in city hall, but Pediatrician Revealed in his private office in this port Fifteen dengue patients were treated within two weeks.

same, City Council Health Department He said the port’s health agencies, such as the IMSS and the state health secretariat, which operates the health centres, are expected to release the latest data soon.

Pediatrician Omar Paige Cruz He reported in an interview that he treated 15 dengue cases in two weeks in his private office at the port.

He said that those Patients range in age from 9 to 18 years old; They are not serious and do not require hospitalization, but they do Their platelets were reduced.

His patients are recovering and improving; he has medical follow-up visits with them every two days.

He also reported that the main symptoms of his dengue patients were It was difficult to control a fever of 39 degrees on the first dayfrom the third to the fifth day, platelets decreased, and Diarrhea was the new symptom in 10% of patientswhich has not been introduced before.

exist port of chicxulubNeighbors reported Many children with dengue fever They don’t go to class anymore Benito Juarez Elementary School, In that progressive police department.

They said there were up to six children with dengue in the classroom.

Dengue fever progression

After the Federal Ministry of Health reported On Thursday the 19th, Yucatán was the state with the most dengue cases in the country, with 8,265 cases Confirmed as of October 16th, City council says it has no data on how many dengue patients there are There are in the city.

In itself, Paige Cruz pointed out that in Korea-Mexico Friendship Hospital, It is located Merida In the intensive care area he was responsible for, he treated almost all patients by himself. 150 cases of dengue fever.

He calculated that if the cases from other doctors at the same hospital were combined, there would be 1,500 to 1,700 positive cases of dengue; of those, nearly 150 were hospitalized, and 15 to 20 of them were admitted to the intensive care unit.

He added that at Progreso, patients have been recovering and I am observing improvement by conducting medical follow-up with them every two days.

About dengue fever and other communicable diseases flies, such as Zika and Chikungunya viruses, Pediatrician Paige Cruz said he has not treated cases.

He added that while I had about five suspected cases, the tests conducted came back negative.

Cienega, red light in mosquito breeding

On the other hand, residents of the port complained of an increase in mosquito numbers, Mainly near swampswhich is why many school-age children suffer from dengue fever.

For example, residents Chicxulub Port, A person who requested anonymity said Many children with dengue are unable to attend school At the Benito Juárez Elementary School in the Progreso Police Department.

have Classrooms can accommodate up to six children with dengue feverthey guarantee.

They also stated that yes, there are mosquitoes in schools and the main problem is a lot of kids and their kids Families live in areas near mangrovesexcept that there are many facts abandoned land Dark places are breeding grounds for flies.

In turn, the commune secretary, Roger Gomez Ortegun, said that although there was no data on dengue cases, the city council’s ecology department Fumigation and abatement efforts in Progreso have been stepped up, With the support of the state government.

Beyond that, he said the council will look to hire a private company to bolster the teams, which are led by the city’s Ecology Department.

The forces of evil continue to rise

Pediatrician during interview Paige Cruz According to reports, about 15 days ago, he began to notice Respiratory diseases increased by 40% to 50%,mostly bronchitis and asthma, Due to the sudden change in temperature and the arrival of the first northerly wind (last Sunday, the 15th).

He also pointed out that among these diseases, influenza A dominates, and that this disease is becoming increasingly serious in the city of Progreso.

He emphasized that Covid-19 is on the decline, So far, there have been no positive cases among its patients in some time.

When he sent them to get tested for respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19 and influenza, the results always came back negative for COVID-19 and, in some cases, positive for influenza.

Finally, he recommended not sending children with respiratory illnesses to school or having them wear masks to prevent the spread of the virus. ——Abraham Ismael Raz Herrera

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