Despite the promising renewal of Star Trek 4, is Paramount going to reboot the series again?

Star Trek Fans have had no shortage of new television content for over half a century, but the film side of the franchise has been stagnant since its release. Star Trek Beyond. However, recently it seemed that this might change as Star Trek 4 Co-writer Lindsay Anderson Beer stated that the next Kelvin timeline film is “still in development.” However, new information has emerged that may indicate that another cinematic film is on the way. Star Trek reboot.

In a report detailing the various film and television productions that are preparing to resume following the end of the writers’ strike, Variety mentions that Paramount Pictures is “hoping writers will finalize the scripts” for what is described as a “planned reboot.” Star Trekas well as its film adaptation Rainbow Sixin which Michael B. Jordan will reprise John Clark from Without remorse. It is unclear whether the term “reboot” is simply being used casually to mean Star Trek 4 or this franchise intends to restore continuity again, as it did in 2009 with the same name Star Trek.

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