did you know? The 6 most poisonous foods for pets during National Day – En Cancha

Just days before the celebration Public vacation in chileone of the our risks pet On this day, it is Eat the same food as on the grill, Including alcohol.

“It is important to consider that when our pets Getting used to a single food, such as pellets, just change the fact that they Can cause gastritistherefore They should not be fed these foods at any time of the year.“, explain Veterinarian Katherine Nunez.

In this sense, the experts of this company gabrica, he delivered suggestions in this regard and made a list Six forbidden foods, Because of how toxic they are to our pets During these holidays and any celebration.

The 6 most poisonous foods for pets during the National Day holiday

  1. onion: This vegetable is toxic to both dogs and cats because it contains a substance called thiosulfate, which can even cause hemolytic anemia, destroying their red blood cells.
  2. Seasoned meat: This is a calorie bomb for them. Additionally, if the meat is undercooked, it may carry salmonella, which can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and severe dehydration. For example, pine is heavily seasoned and contains onions, so dogs may be poisoned.
  3. pie: When animals ingest these substances, their stomachs distend, which can lead to gastric volvulus, leading to death.
  4. Chicken bones: They can produce microscopic debris and cause damage to the stomach lining and intestinal obstruction in animals, especially small breeds.
  5. sausage: In addition to containing high amounts of fat and salt, they also contain colorings and flavorings that may cause intestinal inflammation or digestive problems.
  6. Alcohol: If eaten, it may cause severe kidney damage, respiratory and heart problems, gastroenteritis, or poisoning that is fatal to animals.

To this list we must also add Be careful with raisins, mayonnaise, chili peppers, bread, anticuchos, fried foods, cheese and salty snacks For example, potato chips, branches, peanuts, etc.

one of the most common mistakes Owner’s Commitment Give your dog meat while it cooks, or ignore the grill, or ignore it, Failure to order food for consumption on time, and Place the remains or a glass with alcohol within reach of the animal.

Regarding the latter, veterinarian Katherine Nunez said “dogsWhen you drink, you get drunk, But this is never a fun thing to do; Symptoms of poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea, disorientation, shaking, coma and, if the condition continues to worsen, death. “

What should I do if my pet has gastroenteritis?

Furthermore, “Puppies and old dogs alike are the neglected ones in this neglect. They are more susceptible to gastroenteritis. there are some dogs Their stomachs are more delicate than others, If your diet changes very suddenly, you may start to develop diarrhea,” adds expert Gabrica.

this Gastroenteritis presents with vomiting and diarrhea.For this disease, experts recommend “when vomiting occursdo not force the patient to eat, When you start eating, you must Give him soft food for about five days, “This will also help relieve diarrhea, and along with the medications prescribed by your veterinarian, your pet will start to feel better.”

On these dates, The diagnosis of gastroenteritis is becoming common among veterinarians, Especially after the National Day. “At this moment, after these celebrations, More and more gastroenteritis patients are coming to the clinic, with two to three patients every day”, emphasizes the veterinarian.

Symptoms to watch out for

Gabrielka expert recommendation For this 18, pay attention to the following symptoms, Especially after the holidays: Weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, fever, and increased heart rate. In the presence of any of these, Don’t hesitate to visit your veterinarian.

Finally, he advises, “If you want to feed your pet meat, It must be cooked and without seasoning, Buy snacks and give us gifts When they are cooking barbecue, always remember Responsible pet ownership. If they are sick, don’t wait to take them to a specialist as this could save their life. “

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