Do chili peppers really help prevent gastritis?Doctors talk about the practice

Mexico has the highest chili consumption rate in Latin America and is one of the countries with the largest chili cultivation in the world. However, In Colombia, the consumption of spicy food is popular and has been integrated with some typical dishes of the national cuisine. In addition to having a place in the food produced in the country.

In addition to adding a lot of flavor to meals, Several studies have shown that regular consumption of chili peppers has different benefits for the it contains anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce and prevent the risk of certain diseases.

Characteristics of pepper

Although it is estimated that there are more than 50,000 species of hot peppers and peppers worldwide, Research shows that they typically have high levels of Like other plants, it contains more vitamin C than citrus fruits. potassium, magnesium and Iron is necessary to avoid diseases such as anemia.

Similarly, Contains fiber, niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamins A, B9 and K. Additionally, it is very low in cholesterol and sugar.

Is eating chili pepper useful for gastritis?

Although chili peppers, like other foods such as citrus fruits and some vegetables (such as onions) that some people should avoid, are classified as products that aggravate gastritis symptoms, some people should actually avoid chili peppers. Medical and scientific research shows that capsaicin (a component of chili peppers) has anti-inflammatory properties that help prevent all types of inflammation, such as gastritis.

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The study “Protective Effect of Chili Pepper Consumption on the Frequency of Digestive Tract Disorders” conducted by two researchers from the Department of Internal Medicine of the National University of Colombia found that, Regular consumption of cayenne pepper can act as a protective factor for the stomach lining and is statistically associated with a reduction in symptoms of gastritis and irritable bowel syndrome.

Similarly, It was also found to be associated with a reduction in abdominal pain intensity in cases of irritable bowelhas also been linked to reduced reflux and intestinal ulcers.

Other benefits of chili peppers

There are other health benefits of eating hot peppers, including a reduced risk of cancer, coronary heart disease and diabetes.This was confirmed by a study from the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, which looked at the behavior of nearly half a million patients over many years, some of whom regularly ate chili peppers and others who did not.

According to this study, People who added chili peppers to their diet had a 10% lower mortality rate than those who didn’t eat chili peppers.

On the other hand, according to nutrition and health experts, it has been proven that: Consuming cayenne pepper can also promote the healing process and help overcome acne, cold sores, and burns.

at last, Capsaicin has also been shown to have beneficial effects on the respiratory system, Like other products like pepper, it acts as an expectorant and decongestant.

Although it has many benefits, If you don’t eat chili peppers regularly, you can do this by adding small amounts to your daily diet. This way your body won’t reject it and have the opposite effect than intended. This way, you can gradually gain resistance to spicy food and thus take advantage of all its benefits.

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