do you have red eyes 8 Most Common Causes

red eyes show under attack.usually due to Dilated blood vessels on the surface of the eye. When the blood vessels in the conjunctiva (the thin film on the white of the eye and the inside of the eyelid) dilate or become inflamed, they can become more prominent, making the eye stand out even more. reddish or pink hue.

this red eye causes They can be varied. Allergies are one of the most common causes (especially in spring), but there are others that may be less obvious.

Why do eyes turn red?

eyeballs are full very thin veins Indistinct or rarely seen at a distance. “yes swollen veins When they are attacked and become more visible, that’s why it gives us a general feeling of redness”explain Dr. Enrique Chipont, Medical Director, Alicante Eye Clinic.

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