Doctors say these vaccines may prevent heart disease, pneumonia

National Health System (social networking service) should be strengthened Prevent respiratory infectionsand this strengthening must focus on primary health care.and, as Madrid family doctorPreventive measures should focus on Promote vaccination Among other things, to avoid larger Risk of death from lung disease or increase the risk of the following diseases heart attack.Specifically, Familia emphasized that pneumococcal vaccination can reduce twenty four% Patient mortality.

Roundtable “Updated Strategies for Preventing Respiratory Infectious Diseases.”

Additionally, the likelihood of heart attack is reduced due to this vaccine 27%As experts emphasize. These are the main conclusions of the round table “Latest Strategies for the Prevention of Respiratory Infectious Diseases” held in Madrid within the framework of the 5th Madrid Congress of the Madrid Delegation of the Spanish Association of General Practitioners and Family Physicians (Madrid SEMG).

The “benefits” of this vaccine don’t stop there, as SEMG Madrid adds respiratory tract infection Not only can they worsen a patient’s health condition, but the risk of death may increase once they recover. “Our study shows that the risk of death in patients with a certain disease Pneumococcal Pulmonology “This number will continue to rise over the next decade,” he said. Isabel Jimenoa family physician at the Isla Osa Health Center (Madrid), responsible for vaccination at SEMG.

“We must emphasize prevention and health promotion”, stressed Jimeno, who believes that among the leading causes of death worldwide, respiratory tract infection They occupy the fourth position. As highlighted on Thursday, respiratory infections are the sixth leading cause of death in most developed countries.

Isabel Jimeno, family physician and SEMG vaccination manager at the Osa Island Health Center (Madrid).

More and more patients with chronic diseases and elderly patients

On the other hand, experts emphasize that more and more patients The older you are, the higher your survival rate. In this case, the chronic lesions “grow”, so “deeper” care is crucial. “all chronic pathology They increase the likelihood of developing pneumococcal pneumonia. ” he pointed out and urged us to do our best in prevention.

The consequences of pneumococcal infection and chronic pathology represent a “greater risk of complications” as they may arise new pathologydirectly affecting the quality of life Economic impact What’s on the system. If not prevented, costs will continue to rise. “A diabetic patient has a 40% The risk of developing pneumococcal pneumonia and being hospitalized is higher,” Jimeno stressed.

Rosa Rodríguez, Director of Pediatric Services at Gregorio Marañon Hospital (Madrid).

RSV, another infection to avoid

Another infection that should be prevented is respiratory syncytial virus (virtual reality system), because approximately 100,000 children According to his recollection, regarding this infection Rosa RodriguezDirector, Pediatric Services, Gregorio Marañon Hospital (Madrid).
“Most are premature baby extreme, people living with HIV, ETC. Three to four million breastfed children enter our settings every year, half of whom are very young, less than three months old,” Rodriguez said.

A moment during the speeches of Isabel Jimeno and Rosa Rodriguez.

Although it may contain statements, data, or notes from health agencies or professionals, the information contained in medical writing is compiled and prepared by journalists. Readers are advised to consult a healthcare professional with any health-related questions.

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