Donald Trump launches own tennis series to collect fines – El Financiero

On Saturday, February 17, former President Donald Trump made a highly unusual stop to hype up the Republican presidential nomination. his new Trump sneakers exist ‘sneaker convention”, a gathering billed as “the biggest sneaker show on earth.”

Trump was met with loud boos and applause as he spoke at the Philadelphia Convention Center The first official Trump-branded sneaker.

The sneakers are gold in color with American flag detailing on the back and are priced at “Never give up on high tops“On sale for $399 on the new site, which also offers colognes and perfumes”Victory 47” from Trump Brand 99 yuan a bottle. If he wins the election, he will become the 47th president

The website clarified that it had no affiliation with the Trump campaign, although officials from the former president’s campaign promoted its presence in online messages.

donald trump fine

On Friday, February 16, a New York judge ordered Trump to pay a $355 million fine on the grounds that the former president lied about his wealth for years and conspired to defraud banks and insurance companies by exaggerating his wealth in financial statements. companies and other institutions.

That fine came after Trump ordered to pay $83.3 million for discrediting columnist Jean Carroll, after she accused him of sexual assault. With interest, Trump’s legal debt may now exceed $500 million, and it’s unclear whether he can pay that amount.

Trump’s appearance was met with boos from critics and chants of “USA!” from supporters dressed in Trump attire. The competing slogans made it difficult to listen to Trump at times. Some held signs that read “Sneaker Fans Love Trump.”

“There was a lot of emotion in this room,” Trump said of the reaction after holding up and displaying a pair of gold sneakers before placing a pair on either side of the lectern.

“This is something I’ve been talking about for 12, 13 years,” he said.

Some attendees said they had no idea Trump would attend, They continued shopping as a crowd gathered around the stage. Many attendees said they were not from the city but from nearby states and Washington.

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