Dr. Novzaradan, your son’s discovery will amaze you | Dove hides it during filming

Nowzaradan, who is the son - ifood
Dr. Yunan Novzaradan – ifood (photo from Instagram)

Everyone knows Dr. Nazaradan. But do you know who his son is? And where does he hide it while filming his show? Let’s find out.

Yunan Novzaradan is a doctor of Iranian origin, naturalized in the US, who has become a real TV star with many memes circulating on the net for many years.

A vascular and bariatric surgeon, he is considered one of the pioneers of micro-invasive surgery in his field and perhaps not everyone knows that he is also the author of various publications on obesity.

No wonder we associate it with this pathology. In fact, he is the main character of the program. Screw to limit was broadcast in Italy in real time, a kind of documentary reality.

But do you know who this son is and where he keeps him while he is filming in the series? You would never think of it. Let’s find out together.

Dr. Novzaradan: who is the son

Lives on the edge as mentioned, this is a docu-reality show, with each episode following the year-long journey of a severely obese man. The main characters turn to Dr. Novzaradan at his clinic in Houston to guide him on a weight loss journey and gastric bypass surgery.

Patients weighing around 300 kilograms almost always have a very difficult history behind them, and over the years we have witnessed several controversies. We learned the ways of a doctor, not always very kind, but perhaps not everyone knows this on the set, hidden, there is still a son.

son is now overwhelmed -ifood
Jonathan Novzaradan a few years ago – ifood (YouTube screen shot)

Who is he and what does he do

Doctor Novzaradan was married from 1975 to 2002 to Delores Macredmond by whom he had three children: Jonathan born February 6, 1978 jennifer February 21, 1980 and finally Jessica, was born on May 1, 1983. It’s just that the son is on the set with his father, because he is the producer of the program, My 600 pound lifethis is the original format.

He said The Donna Drake Show that the idea of ​​the program belongs to his father: “He called me with terrible ideas. And one day he had a good case and he was founded about help people instead entertain People. There are a lot of people who need help.” And he added: “When we started, people got to the point where, for lack of a better term, they were mythological: they didn’t go out, there was no social media, so you didn’t know there were severely obese people living behind the walls.” Some time ago in an interview Austin Chronicles He said: “People who weigh more than 300 pounds think they are the only such people on the planet… But there are millions in America, and some suspect tens of millions of people. We want them to know not only that they are not alone, but that there are doctors available to help them. Don’t give up and just choose to die.”

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