Dr. Pérez Almeida points to the biological reasons why people may smoke: “43% risk” – La Linterna

COPE doctor Esteban Pérez Almeida, Ph.D., noted in the journal La Linterna on Wednesday that the results of a new Danish study suggest that, among other things, biological reasons lead people to Tobacco accounts for 43% of the risk of starting smoking.

Ever since tobacco entered our lives through commercials or big movies (like Humphrey Bogart smoking almost non-stop), we’ve been discovering how its substances can damage our health. In addition to the risks we already know about, this Wednesday we added a new target that is highly harmful to our bodies. brain. Tobacco also affects the spiritual realm.

Health Effects of Tobacco

More than 90% of bronchitis, more than 95% of lung cancer, and more than 30% of coronary heart disease are caused by smoking. Significant component of esophageal, bladder, oral cavity and larynx cancer cases. Even tobacco use increases the risk of premature death by 70%, killing more than 8 million people a year according to the World Health Organization.

Now, according to an article published in the journal Scandinavian Psychiatry by researchers at Aarhus University in Denmark, a terrific title tells us that smoking can lead to depression and bipolar obstacle. “But not only that,” explains Pérez Almeida, “statistically, smoking increases the risk of hospitalization for mental illness by 250 percent.”

“Honestly, we have to say that the study published a few days ago is in some ways a continuation of another study published in 2019 by researchers in Bristol, UK, in which the data showed that smoking is good for mental health. schizophrenia,” added COPE’s medical director.

biological reasons

Another revealing detail of the study is the age at which consumption of this dogra (tobacco) is usually started, in this study it is clearly shown that 90% of smokers start smoking before the age of 20 which would take us to 20 Reflections on the prohibition of smoking before the age of. Second, while most people start smoking before the age of 20, the psychiatric symptoms leading to hospital admission do not appear until age 30-60, leading us to be misled about the correlation between the two.

But if there’s a startling truth to what Perez Almeida said, it’s that biological causes represent 43 percent of a person’s risk of starting a cigarette: “Yes, the genetic part is new, and in fact we’ve already One can talk about “genes. Tobacco-related”, but what is strange about this case is that this genetic predisposition is responsible for 43% of the smoker’s risk, while the other 57% of the smoker’s risk is caused by environmental, social or expression factors. epigenetic causes. To explain this, the researchers looked at cases of twins adopted by different families and observed that the twin adopted by a smoking family had a higher risk of smoking than his twin brother who lived in the same family. “No smoke”, he concluded.

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