Dryer Instructions: Guides and Tips for Using Your Dryer Well: Without Ruining Your Clothes and Without Too Much Waste

The cold and rainy season has begun. And that’s where we use dryers the most in our homes, especially in homes where there’s no way to hang clothes outside. The problem is, many times we don’t use this device correctly, which causes us losses. Not only is it extra electricity bills, but it also means damaged clothing, lost time and breakdowns that are sometimes very expensive to repair.

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«Improper use can shorten the service life of the equipment (10 years on average), render the clothes unusable, and generate greater energy consumption. This is important because clothes dryers are one of the most power-hungry appliances used in the home,” concludes Home Appliances Blog. The Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) has compiled some tips for eliminating dryer sparks.

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    The percentage of consumers who have a dryer in their home, according to an OCU study. There are different types depending on how the water is removed: whether it is drained outside (draining) or whether it is stored in a tank (condensation). There are also different drying techniques. Some use classic resistance heating systems, while others use heat pumps, such as air conditioners. They consume 270 kilowatts per hour – which must be multiplied by the current price per kilowatt hour.

They cannot be glued to the wall. They generate heat and require good ventilation to avoid overheating and household accidents. It is recommended to maintain a distance of at least 10 cm between the dryer and walls or furniture. A big mistake is to place the dryer under the cabinets we use as pantries because the heat rises upwards and affects the food we store.

«If your dryer leaves too much moisture on your clothes, one of the reasons could be because it was installed incorrectly – be careful! It’s also important to have a completely smooth floor – or because it’s in an inappropriate location,” warns the OCU. It requires a well-ventilated room that’s not too hot or too cold. “Moisture in the air can prolong the drying process, and too much The heat can damage the device. “

For your dryer to work efficiently, the lint filter must be cleaned regularly and the condensate tank must be emptied. It is recommended to run the filter under a cold water tap from time to time to remove any residue. If the water tank is removable, it can also be cleaned under the tap. If removal is not possible, it is useful to clean the ventilation grille with a vacuum cleaner. OCU confirms that “dirty filters can extend drying time by up to 15%.”

One more warning: Water that accumulates in the condenser contains traces of detergent and fabric softener, as well as lint. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it for watering plants, etc.

If your dryer is overloaded, your clothes will become wrinkled and damp. The trick is to leave 20% free. «Overloading the drum reduces hot air circulation and increases the duration of the drying cycle. It causes the dryer to work harder than necessary, which means greater energy consumption and means a shortened service life,” says María Mata from Appliance Blog.

Each fabric requires a different procedure. Additionally, there are some things you shouldn’t put in the dryer: “Sequins can come off and damage the machine, elastic bands can melt, and 100% cotton clothing can shrink in the heat…”, OCU pointed out. Another mistake: If you put stained clothes in, the hot air will solidify the stain, making it difficult to remove later. If you leave your clothes in the tumbler for a long time, they will become damp again and develop a bad smell. If you have to be away from home for a period of time, you can use a delayed start program so that the program ends at the same time as your return.

We can get a spark out of a dryer if we master all the features it has to offer – let’s take a moment to read the instructions. Many dryers come with a cold timer that allows clothes to air out and eliminate odors. The “Eco” plan, although longer in duration, is the one that consumes the least amount of energy. Many of these appliances already include an “ironing” program that makes clothes wrinkle-free, not impeccable, but ready to go in the wardrobe.

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