Dublin streets witness a fire – last minute

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5 people, including 3 children, were injured in a knife attack in downtown Dublin, the capital of Ireland. Irish security forces described the incident as not “terrorism” but rather an independent violent incident. People quickly took to the streets in Dublin, setting cars on fire and clashing with security forces.

A knife attack occurred in front of a school in downtown Dublin, the capital of Ireland. 5 people were injured in the attack, including 3 children. It was learned that the condition of one of the girls was serious and the condition of the other two children was milder.

It was not described as a “terrorist attack.”

Irish police said the motives of the person who carried out the attack, an alleged immigrant, were unclear and did not describe the incident as a terrorist incident. Instead, the statement noted that there had been a “serious incident” involving several young children outside the school.

The streets are down

After these developments, many people took to the streets in Dublin. The angry crowd set fire to cars and some stores and also clashed with police forces.

“Irish lives matter,” the demonstrators chanted.

Pictures from the streets of Dublin:

Last minute a crime The streets of Dublin are on fire

(marks for translation) Dublin

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