«Electronic devices that heat tobacco reduce exposure to toxins»

«Electronic devices that heat tobacco reduce exposure to toxins»

The Society of Arterial Hypertension and Arteriosclerosis of Extremadura (Sexhta) held its XXth meeting today at the Velada Hotel in Merida, where current issues were discussed, such as the role of electronic devices in controlling smoking habits, the so-called cholesterol Vaccines or seeing “diabetes” from obesity, and many other topics. More than twenty experts participated in oral exchanges, round tables and lectures on different pathologies related to hypertension and arteriosclerosis.

The first to start the debate today were Dr. Vivencio Barrios, a cardiologist at the Ramón y Cajal Hospital in Madrid, and Carlos Santos, a family doctor at the La Paz Health Center in Badajoz. The pros and cons of habit control devices are described. . The head of the Nephrology Department at the University Hospital of Badajoz and a professor at the School of Medicine moderated the two experts, who took diametrically opposed stances on the use of these devices.

At the official opening of the 20th meeting, you will address both sides of the role of electronic devices in tobacco control…

Yes, this is a controversial topic. The basic principle of any smoking cessation treatment is that it is best for the patient not to smoke. That would be ideal. Unfortunately, the problem is that not everyone can quit smoking. People can even smoke moderately, such as an average of two cigarettes per week. I always say it’s not tobacco that’s the problem, it’s smoking and those who can’t be forced to quit.

Are all tobacco and nicotine products the same?

No, they are very different from each other. There are also more classic formulations such as nicotine patches, gum or sprays. There is also a tobacco paste widely consumed in Sweden that contains nicotine that does not need to be burned, i.e. “snuff” that is placed on the cheeks and satisfies the desire to smoke. In recent years, e-cigarettes have been continuously introduced with many varieties and systems. First of all, there are several problems with the entry of “vapers” into the market, as they are very diverse and some of them also cause allergy problems. Using a tobacco warmer will not burn tobacco or paper. This means that all the toxins produced by burning are gone.

Isn’t nicotine the biggest health hazard?

No, it really isn’t. I reiterate, it is best not to expose yourself to it as it can be toxic in large doses. The principle of all nicotine replacement therapies is to give the lowest amount of nicotine so that the patient does not experience withdrawal, but well below the limit considered toxic. However, I maintain that it’s better if you don’t take nicotine. For any patient, even with current medication (bupropion, cytisine, etc.), it can be difficult to kick the habit if they are not also on another nicotine replacement therapy. Our college is studying a problem. There may be a genetic predisposition to nicotine receptors. This is why some families are interested in the consumption of this drug.

What are the positives about these electronic devices that heat tobacco?

First, they reduce exposure to toxic substances and also prevent passive smoking because they contain much less nicotine. Nicotine is toxic at the vascular level, but it’s all the combustion derivatives that cause cancer. In countries that first started using them, such as Japan, chronic bronchitis episodes have begun to decrease. Most comparative studies, such as the Cochrane study, show that tobacco heating systems are as effective as any other drug treatment. A clinical trial is currently underway to examine whether they can reduce mortality. We are confident that nicotine replacement therapy does not increase cardiovascular mortality. Almost all studies conducted show a reduction in risk. But, I repeat, the best way to reduce your risk is to quit smoking. Changing the type of cigarettes can improve the condition, so for patients who are unable to quit smoking, this may be another option to improve outcomes.

Today there is a meeting in honor of Manuel Luque, who was he?

He is one of the founders of the Spanish Society of Hypertension and one of Spain’s most important experts, born Valverde de Lerena. He later studied in Seville and became a full professor at the Universidad Complutense, directing the Department of Hypertension at the Madrid Clinic Hospital. Unfortunately he died young.

You also address dyslipidemia, high cholesterol.

Indeed, there is news about this with the advent of a so-called “vaccine”, even though it is not really a vaccine. This is an immunotherapy, although it is indeed based on messenger RNA technology, just like the COVID vaccine. The first thing to note is that this is not suitable for everyone, but is suitable for patients with many cholesterol problems, although the cost is relatively modest compared to other treatments on the market. The advantage is that it is administered every six months. It is used in certain people whose cholesterol cannot be controlled with statins.

What is “diabetes” as seen from obesity?

Like everything in medicine, working hypotheses are constantly evolving. We no longer think of diabetes as a symptom of obesity, even though it is actually a unique journey. Those who are obese to begin with will eventually develop diabetes. At any time, sugar levels are elevated. Some patients suffer from “diabetes”, that is, they are obese early on and eventually develop diabetes.

Scheduled for Friday, November 24

5:30-6:30 pm Oral communication. Moderator: Dr. Bárbara Cancho Castellano. Nephrology, University of Badajoz. -Dr. Eva Vazquez Leo. Nephrology. H. of Merida.

6:30 p.m.opening

7:00 PM – 8:00 PM Ways to control smoking: The role of electronic devices. Moderator: Dr. Nicolás Roberto Robles, University Hospital of Badajoz.

Do they offer something positive? : Dr. Vivencio Barrios Alonso. Cardiologist. Ramon Cajal Hospital.

They offer nothing positive: Dr. Carlos Santos Altozano. family doctor. La Paz Health Center. Badajoz.

20:00 Manuel Luque Memorial Conference: 2023 Clinical Guidelines for the Management of Arterial Hypertension. Moderator: Dr. Ana Belén Ruiz Jiménez. Nephrology. Merida Hospital.

Dr. Juan Villa Rincon. Nephrologist. Department of Hypertension, University Hospital of Badajoz.

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