Eleven actors who have had terrible experiences with violent and dangerous fans.

Professions, as you know, are not all the same. Some involve more risk than others, which is obvious when you think, for example, very trivially, of professionals creating dangerous stunts for cinema. Well, even being an actor is a profession that brings with it a number of trials and dangers – and very often they do not come from the set. Example? Hollywood stars are very likely to become the object of fan obsessions: some with serious problems in understanding the concept of respect, others with little contact with reality, and, unfortunately, still others with a pronounced propensity for violence. The traumatic experiences experienced by the stars in our gallery today are of just such a nature. Jennifer Aniston, in fact, she appeared to be one step away from being kidnapped, as evidenced by items found on a man who was scouring Sunset Boulevard looking for the actress. It is more difficult to imagine what a woman was trying to achieve, who, hiding in the house Brad Pitt, was armed with a longbow and a witch’s book. And there is someone like Sandra Bullock, unfortunately, she was a victim of persecution (and not only) in two different cases. If you’d like to know more, check out our gallery below of eleven actors who have had terrible experiences with violent and dangerous fans.

(Photo by Stefania D’Alessandro/WireImage)

The poor actress had two pursuers. The first, in 2008, was a woman named Marcia Valentine, who was given a three-year suspended sentence for attempting to hit her husband. The second, in 2014, was Joshua Corbett, the man who broke into Sandra Bullock’s home with the intent to rape her. The frightened actress locked herself in a closet and then called the police, who arrived just in time to prevent the violence. Four years later, when agents surrounded his home for a search, the assailant killed himself with a gunshot.

Eleven actors who have had terrible experiences with violent and dangerous fans.

(Photo by Jim Spellman/WireImage)

Creepy story. Jason Peyton, 24, was arrested by LAPD after wandering around Sunset Boulevard for more than a week. Apparently, all this time he walked back and forth along the famous street only in the hope of meeting an actress. Nothing strange, except that the man had a sharp object, several love letters addressed to Jennifer Aniston, and … a roll of duct tape!

Eleven actors who have had terrible experiences with violent and dangerous fans.

(Photo by Stefan Cardinale – Corbis/Corbis via Getty Images)

In 2000, a woman named Athena M. Rolando, who was apparently also an aspiring actress, was caught in the actor’s home wearing his clothes. But that is not all. Also in hand was a book on witchcraft, a letter addressed to Brad Pitt, and a longbow. After spending several hours at the star’s home, she was discovered by servants who alerted the authorities.

(Photo by David M. Bennett/Dave Benett/Getty Images)

A man named Jason Luis Rivera was stopped by police as he tried to break into Miley Cyrus’ home armed with a pair of scissors. In his “defense”, he claimed that he had not only known the diva for more than five years, but was also married to her. Of course he was arrested.

(Photo by Michael Tran/FilmMagic)

When the actor had just married Catherine Zeta-Jones, a woman named Donette Knight, literally obsessed with him, began sending death threats to the actress. And the content was really terrible. In the letters, the woman wrote that she “would chop it up and feed it to the dogs.” After other disturbing episodes, the woman asked the couple for forgiveness, which was ultimately not reported.

(Photo by Dominic Charrio/WireImage)

An inviolable restraining order protected the actress and her mother from Sergei Mifle, an aspiring actor who began stalking her on the set of Gossip Girl. The man claimed that there was a “metaphysical connection” between them, and, ridiculed by Blake Lively, also began to stalk his mother. Luckily, he can no longer get close to the two women.

Eleven actors who have had terrible experiences with violent and dangerous fans.

(Photo by Jason LaVerice/FilmMagic)

Literally obsessed with the singer and actress, a fan named Karen McNeil was caught by servants trying to break into her home. The woman was taken into custody by the police, who tried to send her to a psychiatric hospital, but were soon released as doctors thought she was “normal”. Summing up…

(Photo by Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic)

In 2008, a man named Jack Jordan was placed on probation after stalking the actress for several months. The man began to send her an avalanche of letters, accompanied by disturbing drawings of a sexual nature. In 2010, he decided to violate his probation and was arrested.

Eleven actors who have had terrible experiences with violent and dangerous fans.

(Photo by Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images)

The translator of Doctor Strange was pursued by a ubiquitous fan who began to leave red ribbons everywhere for him: on the windows of the house, on the car, etc. The actor, who feared for the safety of his wife and children, decided to sue the woman, having managed to obtain an injunction.

(Photo by Nicholas Hunt/Getty Images for Dior)

Dante Michael Soyu, a 51-year-old man from Ohio, was sentenced to a mental hospital in 2000 after he sent the actress a disproportionate amount of pizza (yes, pizza!) along with several sex toys. As if that wasn’t enough, the man even had the audacity to say that Gwyneth Paltrow should “be grateful” for his “unconditional love”!

Eleven actors who have had terrible experiences with violent and dangerous fans.

(Photo by Cindy Ord/MG23/Getty Images for The Metropolitan Museum of Art/Vogue)

A man named Matthew Hooker harassed the actress for months, calling her on his personal number and constantly sending her disturbing “love” letters. Frightened and afraid that the stalker might go further, Nicole Kidman decided to sue him, and in response, the man claimed that she was flirting with him.

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