Elon Musk responds to the “Gaza campaign”… and reveals a surprise!

Elon Musk responds to the “Gaza campaign”… and reveals a surprise!

Elon Musk (archive – Reuters)

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As the Gaza Strip has been plunged into complete isolation since Friday under violent Israeli raids, after communications and internet services were completely cut, activists on social media have launched a campaign to provide internet to the besieged Strip.

People involved in that campaign appealed to American billionaire Elon Musk to provide his company’s services for Starlink satellites, as he did in Ukraine.

Recognized organizations

Even though many tweeters included Musk’s account in their tweets yesterday, perhaps he will take action.

The latter, however, chose to respond today, Saturday, to the topic and to American users.

In response to a tweet from US Representative Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, she confirmed that Starlink will support communication with internationally recognized humanitarian organizations in Gaza.

He also explained to another tweeter that no “Gaza broadcaster attempted to communicate with his company,” reiterating that it supports communications links with internationally recognized organizations.

But the dilemma is whether the United States or even the Israeli authorities will accept Musk’s intervention in this matter, even if exclusively to assist recognized bodies in the field such as the United Nations or humanitarian organizations and others, after confirming his absolute support for Israel. in this war, which he described as fatal.

Thousands of users of the “X” platform have participated in the last few hours under the hashtag #starlinkforgaza, demanding that Starlink Internet services be provided in Gaza.

This came after the Gaza Strip, inhabited by more than two million people and has been under siege for three weeks, was completely cut off from the outside world, amid the disruption of all communications, which made it difficult to access to hospitals, emergency services and ambulances. teams at work, thus exacerbating the suffering of the people of Gaza.

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