Emma Watson in her gravity-defying Loewe dress | Vanity Fair Italy

There are questions that seem simple, but which, if you think about it for a moment, turn out to be cool puzzles that are impossible to answer. For example: is a hot dog a sandwich? And if so, what makes a taco taco? Or: is a straw just a hole? And one more thing: did we invent mathematics or did we discover it? Is there an afterlife? What does the dress look like Emma Watson not sleep?

Last Monday, the actress posted several photos showing her very coordinated with her brother. Alex Watson to celebrate the first product of Renais Spirits, the spirits company they founded together, advertised as “luxury gin” (cuccia, regular gins. Now is not the time). Both Watson’s wear a light blue suit, but only one of their suits seems to defy physics (hint: it’s not Alex’s suit).

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As one Instagram user commented below the photo, “Wingardium Leviosa is written on the dress.”

mini dress Lowe by Emma features a softly draped hem that contrasts sharply with the peaked cleavage, backed by (we can only guess) artfully concealed inner support and a healthy dose of positive thinking and prayer to defy the natural laws of rigor. Umbrella sticks? A bunch of tape? A fabric version of Escher’s ladder, whatever it is? Maybe a little of everything?

Loewe dress from the spring-summer 2024 collection.

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