Emmanuel Macron’s call for unity and political response are examined… News from France, information for Tuesday, October 12, 2023

Author of the books “Jean-François Achille and Bérenger Bonthe”, discussion information about the events of Tuesday, October 12.


Mis à jour

Lecture times:
115 min.

Jean-François Achille and Bérenger Bonte report to Franceinfo.  (RADIO FRANCE / CHRISTOPH ABRAMOWITZ)


Speech by Emmanuel Macron dedicated to the war between Israel and Hamas: Etat chefs contacted the unit to combat the risk of import conflict in France.

Reaction to the childAlexis Corbier, député LFI Seine-Saint-Denis et al. Geoffroy Didier, dMember of the European Parliament and Secretary General of the Republicans.


Armelle Le Goff, dir.assistant editor of Hebdomadaire Le Point magazine

Bruno Cotres, chercheur CNRS au CEVIPOF, Center for Political Life Research, member of PO Sciences

Natalie More, jpolitical journalist at the Paris bureau of the Ebra group

Julie Marie-Lecomte WithHef du Service Politique de Franceinfo


Retrouvez l’Intégralité des Informations du Jeudi October 12, 2023:

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